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  1. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    ugh patting himself on the shoulder ugh

    ugh patting himself on the shoulder ugh
  2. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    why is this server not completely dead yet

    why is this server not completely dead yet
  3. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    yes because that was hate and it was in august

    yes because that was hate and it was in august
  4. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    love not hate

    love not hate
  5. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    dishwashers are MIDDLE CLASS

    dishwashers take up electricity causing global warming washing the dishes manually saves earth save earth
  6. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    A guide to gambling

    Just go all in first. Then either lose and be sad or win and be equally sad when you gamble it again.
  7. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Donate to Dai

    So many insensitive idiots on here. Why would you ever consider using GoFundMe to donate for veterinarian treatment or creative arts projects when you could use it to fund Daigestives New Computer?
  8. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Update Log - 16/08/2018

    Love it this is fantastic! materials still hella expensive
  9. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿


    Make sure disabled spaces do exist for the mentally disabled people whom make a significant portion of the Paralake population.
  10. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Report it ingame fam

    Report it ingame fam
  11. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    God will you stop making AR's Its not helpful

    God will you stop making AR's Its not helpful
  12. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Results day, what are you expecting?

    we're on the same boat ok
  13. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿


    Try 7k and a mini cooper
  14. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿


    Yes can you not refund money to the 100 marksmanship people Im sure they dont need it
  15. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    tazers kill

  16. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Material prices / gun crafting

    Crafting takes forever, its expensive and you have to wait until a mayor puts sales taxes to near 0 for it to be worth it. Firearms takes forever to build up unless you have no life and/or a lot of PERP money. The prices also locks out the bigger guns to new players, who almost exclusively...
  17. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    erdogan is love erdogan is life

    erdogan is love erdogan is life
  18. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    you disgust me

    you disgust me
  19. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    The Republic of Wadiya Applications

    أخي ، هذا هو داعش قادم لإخبارك أن الحرب في سوريا تسير بشكل سيء للغاية. أنا العقيد أبو بكر البغدادي ونريد منك أن تدعمنا كل ما نستطيع. كل ما نحتاجه هو تفاصيل حسابك المصرفي. شكرا لك ومجد الله
  20. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Ability to use Storage in a Job

    Its autistic when you become mayor and can't even decorate your office because of the storage being locked for you...
  21. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

    It'll probably get dismissed again like all these perp is dying threads do lmao. Just get the same BS from pd about how they're changing etc . The rimlick cycle works wonders in the PD it's no wonder higher uppers (except some ) want to hold onto their high ranks. And a whole different topic...
  22. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

    Waiting for that essay explaining that PERP is fine, the PLPD is changing for the better, people have died from heart attacks induced by Summer exams, admin discretion is fine (I smell a Jewish conspiracy) and the community will get better soon. :pompus::writing::wtf::vomit:
  23. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    The Rise and Fall of PERPHeads

    Shoutout to Sorle for always being the first to die.
  24. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Thanks for the great time.

    So many rules were broken So many memes were made #nostalgia
  25. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    but its 60 quid wtf

    but its 60 quid wtf
  26. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Thanks for the great time.

    The lionheart sisters are now gone fully... will never forget no vegetables was legit the high point of my perp life
  27. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Best freeware fsx weather engine ?

    Best freeware fsx weather engine ?
  28. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿


    Why take the effort to go to an airport to see planes when you could just ask Bush for a fly by...
  29. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    PUBG Tournament?

    theres your like add me daddy
  30. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    PolitiScales political orientation

    You'll need re educating. You have a choice, Siberian gulag or become Mao Zedong 's sparrow?