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  1. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿


    Terrorism kills few people comparatively each year yet its a huge issue. Are you trying to argue that since mass-shootings account for a small percentage that they aren't a huge issue which needs to be dealt with? You can't not attract attention to a scene where a gunman has entered a school...
  2. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿


    Is this black guy a personal story of yours or is it a news grab BuDDy, because I'd like to see the post since these people are apparently gang members.
  3. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿


    Well maybe if those people didn't have any handguns the black man wouldn't need to have an Ar-15 underneath his bed.
  4. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    What do YOU do for a living?

    Tits and Ass Austin, tits and ass. That is how you get the $$$ in twitch.
  5. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿


    >Spy over them and watch everything they do >Log their data for NSA collection while invading your privacy >Send your children off to fight "terrorists" but instead you get some $$$ OIL and leave >No civil war >Takes your handgun >Civil war
  6. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Congratulations to salty dictator for recommendation!

    Congratulations to salty dictator for recommendation!
  7. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    PD Update

    Bad poll. Multi-option and no "Scrap it all" option.
  8. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Sweater revenge

    User has been banned for 6 months (3.4/2.5)
  9. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Are ban lengths too high in general?

    Dispute + Staff Complaint = $$$ Though I doubt your dispute will be dealt with in time before you are unbanned. I think you should have just been demoted or slapped on the wrist. These bans for memeing and foolery is just aids cuz admins are cold goblins except daymon love you
  10. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Are ban lengths too high in general?

    So since we are on the discussion of PERPS death, do you believe that most bans issued by staff are too lengthy and extreme? Ofcourse we have the issue of certain cases and histories rewarding certain ban lengths. Personally I think yes. This American style harsh punishment does nothing but...
  11. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    Now kids, this is why we don't get nice things. The topic has changed from PERPs death to Ermak Dimon.
  12. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    I don't think it's late night nostra which has the circle jerk problem, it's all their"friends" whom combined are half the server, who run around raiding with them and being "protected"by them based on loose friend connections. It's aids....
  13. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    When you say big blue circle jerk, I'm assuming you are talking about the PD? Then you are correct.
  14. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    Inb4 Banned for slander and being unable to conduct yourself.
  15. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    I mean nigga you don't even get demoted for lying to an LEO/giving away mayors location as SS. You just get banned for two weeks. sorry for saying nigga
  16. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    I also said one of the requirements is a talented tongue which can reach all the areas of the rectum.
  17. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    At least it was fun. If you start gearing cops up to "be balanced" then the only people who win are these big orgs, now the Tactical Swatvan Unit owns the place and officers just have to sit on the sideline and be BORED.
  18. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    No, its nothing about killing the PD. Its about what the PD has become, an ogre of an elitest organization full of rimlicks geared to fight big orgs while making it impossible for new guys to succeed. You have to have friends in high places or certain tongue perks to get up and above (also...
  19. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    3 million giveaway!

    Oh congratulations Dom, good on you OP for helping new players to start out and establish a connection to the server,
  20. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Reviving PERP (PERP is dying topic)

    >PD trying to be a real life PD >Construction booklet destroying creativity >Staff giving humongous bans which leads to more salt in the community Also the fact that since the servers player base has died, everyone seems to have ended up in one big friend circle org and dominating the whole place.
  21. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    civic foreplay

    i would like to take this ar down daddy atomic_wizard for I have forgotten and i only lost an anaconda anyway
  22. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    ma boi

    ma boi
  23. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    AR on Jaker Smith

    +1 Was involved I just heard gunshots and my boi Mac was being shot at so me attempted to shoot at her and she ran down to docks and we never heard of the lady again (dc)
  24. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    you know you're a comedian when taylor rates your post funny

    you know you're a comedian when taylor rates your post funny
  25. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Big loss in players?

  26. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Big loss in players?

    pLaYeR oWned EcOnoMY
  27. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    civic foreplay

    Oh no I fully understand you couldn't see me type, its just that if demos would have shown it would have shown that I was typing and wasn't able to finish before I got pepperonified
  28. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Big loss in players?

    Now we're outright denying that the population of the server has declined over the year.
  29. ✿ Squeeker Melon ✿

    Big loss in players?

    Mage did suggest a solution but what you did was lock the thread and tell him to take to PSD.