Search results

  1. Backe

    Juju you need to be pfp banned:banghead:

    Juju you need to be pfp banned:banghead:
  2. Backe

    Selling Rare Items/Collectibles

    Whoa whoa whoa check your dms buddy, I'm about to go ham on this shit
  3. Backe

    Will mystery boxes become available to buy again?

    the gifts or mystery boxes always have 4 dates, so far its been 3? or did I miss something...
  4. Backe

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Results!

    Haven't even been active for the past half year but being a certified @Franko hater has its perks
  5. Backe

    tack gubbfan

    tack gubbfan
  6. Backe

    thank u schizo, remember your meds:p

    thank u schizo, remember your meds:p
  7. Backe

    thanks somali

    thanks somali
  8. Backe


    Hey man, I thought slave trade was prohibited in our org :(
  9. Backe


    yeah man I know, val is swizz cheese appearantly so bullet passes through
  10. Backe

    ANTI-LEGACY Montage

    kinda fun to see that this montage actually started a yapping competition
  11. Backe


    it's disgraceful yet beautiful
  12. Backe


    I will forever blame ping.
  13. Backe


    lucky some people don't cry when being absolutely shat on, man appeared then it was straight to the blackscreen as usual
  14. Backe

    Perpheads Chess Club

    lmao nerd
  15. Backe

    nombar 10 :£

  16. Backe

    Tack far :shamefullyembarrased:

    Tack far :shamefullyembarrased:
  17. Backe

    why is it always kids in all pictures bro... do I need to check your harddrive? But yes very...

    why is it always kids in all pictures bro... do I need to check your harddrive? But yes very nice Backe never lie :yawn:
  18. Backe

    can you find a 3 month loop?

    can you find a 3 month loop?
  19. Backe


  20. Backe

    är tillbaka snart då jag är oskylldig men tack pappa! :shamefullyembarrased:

    är tillbaka snart då jag är oskylldig men tack pappa! :shamefullyembarrased:
  21. Backe

    nothing happened, just waiting for fredy to realise

    nothing happened, just waiting for fredy to realise
  22. Backe

    dispute incoming dw :yawn:

    dispute incoming dw :yawn:
  23. Backe

    Pokimane Feet Compilation

    nothing slaps harder than my dad, except a brand new walnash montage
  24. Backe

    Never underestimate a skull reaction man, they're good so be grateful :facepalm:

    Never underestimate a skull reaction man, they're good so be grateful :facepalm:
  25. Backe

    bra fråga:yawn:

    bra fråga:yawn:
  26. Backe

    Pro as heck guide to org XP farming

    never thought I'd see grandpa masterclass on perp :D
  27. Backe

    What is the best PISTOL in PERPHEADS

    although the glocks feel horrible to shoot. There's nothing nicer than clean taps with an hk45 ct
  28. Backe

    Competition #1

    I'd like to share a true feverdream
  29. Backe

    The end

    didn't tag me, deserved :facepalm:
  30. Backe

    Server Suggestion TV in jail.

    -rep Norway