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  1. Backe


    demoniacal montage
  2. Backe

    Server Suggestion Actual Crafting Queue

    there's still room for differen ways to not make this OP, it can easily have a decently low amount of things you can queue, doesn't have to be able to auto-output 100 stims every single time you use it. Could be as small as just letting people queue 10 ish items at a time then have them start...
  3. Backe

    Server Suggestion Actual Crafting Queue

    @Bnje Alternatively let them increase the craftingtime of some items if this gets added instead of having people get cramps in their hand while trying to craft 1000 stims
  4. Backe


  5. Backe

    Server Suggestion Actual Crafting Queue

    Suggestion Title: Actual Crafting Queue Suggestion Description: This suggestion is targeted towards crafters. Almost everyone on this server has at least tried crafting once or twice, whether it is ammo, weapons or meds. So most of us know how incredibly boring it is to constantly sit and...
  6. Backe

    steelo - Making The Band (A PERPheads Montage)

    Ping diff ain't got shit on Chuck Gempost fr
  7. Backe

    I've started to make music, would love opinions!

    This shit SLAPS holy fuck
  8. Backe

    thank u thank u

    thank u thank u
  9. Backe

    thank you habibi:shamefullyembarrased:

    thank you habibi:shamefullyembarrased:
  10. Backe

    Refund Request (Backe)

    Your Steam Name: Backe Your Roleplay Name: Yuki Buki Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:202032154 Reason for Request: Lost weapons and raided substances due to a guy breaking NLR and snitching on us while we left the scene. Requested Items: HK45 CT loaded, glock-20 loaded, sawed-off shotgun, mac-11...
  11. Backe

    [ATTACH] :facepalm:

  12. Backe

    Refund Request (Backe)

  13. Backe

    Refund Request (Backe)

    Your Steam Name: Backe Your Roleplay Name: Yuki Buki Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:202032154 Reason for Request: Tried to drive over a speedbump and hit an invisible skybox or something so it tiered my car Requested Items: 13600$ (aston martin rapid doubleupgraded tier 1 price) Evidence...
  14. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    all gone after hours of selling so we chilling
  15. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    well consider getting better then Riekelt and I wouldn't be able to <3
  16. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    admin remove this for hatespeech or sumn
  17. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    why are you questioning my ocd?
  18. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    you always do anyways so nothing new:rolleyes:
  19. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    he seems nice let the poor fella know :(
  20. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    only got 250 high tier car and 2.5mil bank so not much my guy
  21. Backe

    Model Suggestion Add a small list/preview of items inside chests

    Suggestion Title: Add a small list/preview of items inside chests Suggestion Description: One thing I personally have had issues with as a crafter on Perpheads is how the whole system works with chests as you store them. If you manage to spawn in and rearrange the order and then put items in...
  22. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    Please do because I'll never sell it, it's too perfect Dave.
  23. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    Swedish sounds pretty positive ngl
  24. Backe

    Resigning from powergrowing

    During my 6 month period on perp I can't really say I've achieved a lot except from being known as a disgusting bazaargrower, but it was all worth it in the end. I can now proudly say that I'm resigning from powergrowing.
  25. Backe


    We'll all miss you and your coffee addiction very much:( Stay safe.
  26. Backe

    Refund Request (Backe)

    Your Steam Name: Backe Your Roleplay Name: Jacke Backe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:202032154 Reason for Request: Lost my gun during a raid of a base with illegal defence Requested Items: 1x mp5k with stock, red dot sight, suppressor, loaded mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member...
  27. Backe


  28. Backe

    Selling 2019 & 2022 Holiday figures

    curak still firing up the scamshop at bazaar, love to see it
  29. Backe

    $10m Giveaway and a goodbye

    Dream car for now and probably forever:
  30. Backe

    Content Bug Report (Trunk of multiple cars has bugged weight limits)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Trunk of multiple cars has bugged weight limits How to reproduce the Bug: Just transfer anything (used materials as gunpowder) that weighs 50kg+ into any car (used transit and dodge RAM) with large trunk space. It will only let you fill it up to...