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  1. Tomiko

    Server Suggestion More consumables (Food and Drinks) / Consumables Overhaul

    I need all of it now. Both real life and in game.
  2. Tomiko

    Model Suggestion Beer / Ciggars last longer

    Description of the idea: I do believe, that ciggars and beers should last longer and not be one use only. I think it should be equipped the way like binoculars and make it fake weapon in game logic? Every use it would take it's "Ammo" Cigarettes - You equip it, you would have animation of...
  3. Tomiko

    Thank you! :)

    Thank you! :)
  4. Tomiko

    what did everyone get for christmas in 2017

    I've got a ban for Christmas
  5. Tomiko

    What to do on ARMA 3?

    Playing Arma 3 Psisyn RP :) You can find some videos on youtube for that server :) At least somewhere admins are no banning thirsty humanoids
  6. Tomiko

    2x Chivalry: Medieval Warfare and 1x Verdun giveaway

    Verdun <3 Viva La France! STEAM_0:1:52465797
  7. Tomiko

    Ar on Tomiko, Smith Carry and Kelson

    Person forgot to add some of his perfect threatining skills at the end: Anyway, my person view to the situation, we were on road to raid someone but I didn't realise 5 minutes or 10 minutes before this situation happened, me and my friends killed multiple officers, were spotted by paramedics...
  8. Tomiko

    roast me

    I mean, you're so fat you're roasting yourself while cooking.
  9. Tomiko

    12.3 Traffic Lights

    This is not going to work very well as these intersection lights are quite badly scripted for approaching vehicles so basically if you wait for that green arrow and other vehicle comes from other direction, entire intersection will change its color.
  10. Tomiko

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  11. Tomiko

    Hello Mr. Daymon

    Hello Mr. Daymon
  12. Tomiko

    Jsi trapnej

    Jsi trapnej
  13. Tomiko

    Happy Birthday feggit

    Happy Birthday feggit
  14. Tomiko

    Hillary or Trump?

    I'm not going to read any of comments below / above but anyone who would vote for Hitlary is stupid.
  15. Tomiko

    Reccomendation Tomiko

    I'll send you 5$ later bby Thank you very much :) To be honest I didn't expect to get recommandation for this because IMO I didn't do anything special but if you meant this recommandation honestly, I really thank you man, I appreciate it.
  16. Tomiko

    Looking for a team to help me make a video

    If you need some cancer in your videos, don't forget about me.
  17. Tomiko

    Oscar Fontaeus

    That's really sad, I wonder how did you find out
  18. Tomiko

    PH signatures, pictures and suggestion for loading screens

    Hello, I would like to use this to show your skills and also @Samatko work while he makes signatures for some of you. (This is why I don't try to make pictures, because it looks shit) !Disclaimer! All these pictures belong to my friend Samatko I didn't take any part of his work I'm just...
  19. Tomiko


  20. Tomiko

    Why are there no changelog updates?

    I noticed that there are no new patch updates and I really like reading what's new, repaired or changed, I would like to keep it old way.
  21. Tomiko

    Post Your Own Car Thread

    Parking like a cunt TBH
  22. Tomiko

    Your videos / experience during raids? :)

    This is why I want to be in traffic unit instead of dealing with shootouts - My skills are just sh*t Don't forget to post your video of you killing every single guy in the area so I can feal bad :banghead:
  23. Tomiko

    3.5 switching jobs nlr remove

    So basically, you run in an apartment, they'll be nice and let you leave but you've seen drugs, then you join PLPD and you raid them, great... This rule should only have exceptions I don't fully agree with your suggestion.
  24. Tomiko

    Thank you my dear minion

    Thank you my dear minion
  25. Tomiko

    Jon, what's your Icelandish name? O.O

    Jon, what's your Icelandish name? O.O
  26. Tomiko

    Police Whitelist

    Before whitelist After whitelist
  27. Tomiko


    Discussion Post: Here Main Idea: Add Megaphones Full description of the idea: Basically just add megaphones for police on foot + inside the vehicle it should have 2 types of megaphone: Talking megaphone that could sound like that and perhabs could be activated by a button "M" + must be...
  28. Tomiko

    Happy Birthday peasant

    Happy Birthday peasant