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  1. Tomiko

    Perp voice is broken, here is what melonstick is like 1 min after spawning

    I was like "Mhhhm, interesting towtruck vehicle" - *Few seconds later* Ah,DarkRP has CancerRP competition
  2. Tomiko

    No, I still keep my happy little rank of CPL, I just don't have a badge on forums.

    No, I still keep my happy little rank of CPL, I just don't have a badge on forums.
  3. Tomiko

    I just noticed that you're a gift itself (Born on 24.12. ;) )

    I just noticed that you're a gift itself (Born on 24.12. ;) )
  4. Tomiko

    Happy birthday my little Jihadist brother <3

    Happy birthday my little Jihadist brother <3
  5. Tomiko

    11.3 Buildings of Residence

    Easily. If you don't like / don't think that person(s) should live there or you think that they commit a suspicious activity, under law 6.5 order them to leave a building ex.: "Leave the building at 3AM, if you fail to follow these instructions, you will be detained under law 6.5 for breaking...
  6. Tomiko

    See you

    Hello lads, Well yesterday my computer broke down and Im not sure if it gets repaired any time soon, it seems that I wont be able to continue my ShitRP as a CPL. Hopefully see you all soon. :)
  7. Tomiko

    12.8 - Collisions - RENAME and REMAKE

    I've finished my last additions, the suggestion as it's now should be final from my side
  8. Tomiko

    9.8 Injury through negligence

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New What law do you wish to change/add: 9.8 Injures by negligence No person shall injure another person through negligence. Liable to how critical the injuries were. Why should this change/addition be made: to prevent people from acting...
  9. Tomiko

    12.8 - Collisions - RENAME and REMAKE

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change 12.8 Collisions to - 12.8 Hit and Run What law do you wish to change/add: 12.8 From: To: 12.8 Hit and Run §1: Driver(s) involved in a collision with any person or object must: stop and stay at the scene of the incident put hazard...
  10. Tomiko

    Happy birthday! (I didn't know that owners have birthdays :banter:)

    Happy birthday! (I didn't know that owners have birthdays :banter:)
  11. Tomiko


    Oh no, video where Tomiko is a retard, oh no
  12. Tomiko

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  13. Tomiko

    Favourite Weapon ingame?

    S&W 500 Or Raging bull
  14. Tomiko

    Speed reloader

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Speed reloader Full description of the idea: Basicly, just add a fast reloader (Not needed for reloading, only gives you a bonus for fast reload) Why should it be added?: For revolvers as reloading one by one...
  15. Tomiko

    Rework 911 calls for dispatchers

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Rework 911 phone calls for dispatcher Full description of the idea: Right now, if you call a dispatcher with your cell phone, he's aboslutely unable to do anything, he's not able to send units to...
  16. Tomiko

    SWAT lockpick

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Lockpicks for SWAT Full description of the idea: It should work, that you can hear it only very silently while lockpicking a door and you've got 100% of success. Door shouldn't open after lockpicking a door, only a...
  17. Tomiko

    Matrix mayor

    Why didn't they just run you over? :D
  18. Tomiko

    PerpHeads HACKED???!

    Why they didn't hack me :( I feel useless :(
  19. Tomiko

    Yo wot ;)

    Yo wot ;)
  20. Tomiko

    There is no competition for me, blyat. :D

    There is no competition for me, blyat. :D
  21. Tomiko

    Ermak - Just Like Tyla

  22. Tomiko

    Happy birthday :)

    Happy birthday :)
  23. Tomiko

    What cars would you like to be added to Perp?

    Use my special retaded description "Black low profile expensive vehicle, probably porsche" and you win it :)
  24. Tomiko

    Hearts Of Iron IV Mass Multiplayer Match

    If I had the game, I would be Czechoslovakia to rape @LEWIS 088 as much as I could. :p
  25. Tomiko

    What cars would you like to be added to Perp?

    Škoda Superb Škoda Yeti Škoda Octavia (police one is a bit older model but it doesn't matter :P) And for some peasants Škoda felicia
  26. Tomiko

    PLPD at it's finest

    I love people like that just ruining it. I feel true feeling of "serious" roleplay... 10/10 would ban driver again. ^-^
  27. Tomiko

    Daymon, fok off my profile you dirty little peasant :D

    Daymon, fok off my profile you dirty little peasant :D
  28. Tomiko

    Yo wot?

    Yo wot?
  29. Tomiko

    Ar on some SWAT

    Alright, let me react on that one. When I arrived on the scene, one of the officers said, that there's an armed guy in the apartment one. My reaction was: "Apartment 1 is not owned, so he might be right". When I've entered the room, I checked the door and suddely saw a guy at the doors, my...