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  1. Kurze


  2. Kurze


  3. Kurze

    Refund Request (Thorgal)

    Reviewed with @Maia Contact an administrator in game to get your weapon back.
  4. Kurze

    Happy Birthday, Max Pearse...

    Congrats max!
  5. Kurze

    Server Suggestion RC Clean Cars

    Like this idea, some casual RP. Carwash is already stupidly expensive for certain cars so would love to see this
  6. Kurze

    Mayor assassination after mayor set sales tax to 25%

    I hate to burst your bubble... But you shot me (the SS) the mayor was shot moments before by a sniper from afar.
  7. Kurze

    ♛ Community Builds ♛

    @Ophelia and I made a Coffeeshop today. Credits to @Ellie for the picture
  8. Kurze

    It's hip to be square

  9. Kurze

    Warning Dispute (Kurze)

    Hello, we have looked at the warning with @Bojing. This should indeed be a 3.12 warning not a 2.5 warning, this has been edited. In the report chat we had, I already told you that the taxes were at their lowest for the past 10 minutes. You first said it was the sales taxes, then swapped over...
  10. Kurze

    Police Suggestion Temporary law reform

    Well I would put in that work, however, I'm not going to if this simple temporary solution doesn't get accepted. I´d be writing and having discussions for days to merely be thrown away. Hence why I would like this to be accepted first.
  11. Kurze

    Police Suggestion Temporary law reform

    The law reform website is still in development and it's not going so fast. However, we keep playing daily with the same laws over and over. I want to suggest a make-shift law reform for laws that need to be attended to ASAP. A certain voting platform could be used such as an announcement...
  12. Kurze

    Server Suggestion Player Rewards

    I would like to see this added as its not at the moment. At least not when I did them 2 months back. However, i wouldn't want to give them a gun straight away.. some people just want to see the world burn and minge around when they would get a gun. I would however also like to see that new...
  13. Kurze

    Staff Resignation - An Amazing Year

    Thankyou for all your hard work!
  14. Kurze

    I did chuckle ngl!

    I did chuckle ngl!
  15. Kurze

    Paralake Partnership Zyzztage

    Hey gotta stay on the right path right! - you wouldn't want corrupt staff
  16. Kurze

    Paralake Partnership Zyzztage

    Hmm that last clip is very interesting... "The Purple Zones are public buildings that everyone has access to as a civilian, that means if you're unemployed or don't have a government job. Public areas are often populated so it's not allowed, under any circumstances to mug people here."
  17. Kurze

    Welfare Division ?

    Honestly I dont think this needed as there already are: public relations / Line managers. New cops should take initative by asking other officers if they can patrol with them. Instead of being the shy new player.
  18. Kurze

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    I would say most people go play a game to be active and do things. However powergrowing makes it so that you grow for 40 minutes. There arent much others things to do in perp as a criminal to actually do things expect raid and do a bankrobbery. This is why raiding is fun. You actually do...
  19. Kurze

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    Honestly I do think something should be changed with this rule. Make the limit to like 4. or Shorten the amount of time before you can raid again. When playing crim you dont get raided that much and power growing gets really stale and boring after a while (hence why I took a massive break) as...
  20. Kurze

    Refund Request (Jack Bruhross)

    Scar-L Reddot Sight Stagnag mag Silencer Reviewed with @Ellie
  21. Kurze

    Daddy Matt's Intro

  22. Kurze

    Fae's Introduction

  23. Kurze

    Action Request (Brinch #DWA , [Lg]C>J)

    I can confirm Elm said he never saw a weapon and he indeed just turned around and ran for it.
  24. Kurze

    Ban Apology (Curak And Kurze)

    Hi Ollie, Although I appreciate that you're apologising I will have to deny this apology. You have had plenty of warnings recently and this ban was put as a lenient ban. Please take these couple of days to read the rules a couple of times and understand them so this doesn't happen again...
  25. Kurze

    Ban Apology (Curak And Kurze)

    Hi, "You were banned for: 3.4, 3.18 - User took a hostage for no good reason, proceeded to shoot the hostage and stored a weapon when his life was in danger. //Banned for Enforcer Kurze" You were banned for storing a weapon when your life was in danger because you took a hostage and cops were...
  26. Kurze

    New Law: 9.8 Armed Robbery

    Suggestion Title: New Law: 9.8 Armed Robbery Suggestion Description: Armed robbery, speaks for itself. Currently breaking into the bank is considered as 11.5 Breaking and Entering. However, when robbing the bank you are threatening the lives of the bank NPC's and therefore it could also be...
  27. Kurze

    Police Suggestion Reduce TFU movement speed

    @Collier @Moon I FIRST YOU USE ME AND NOW YOU WANNA TAKE AWAY MY SPEED?! I WOULDNT OF HELPED IF I KNEW THIS WAS COMING!!! Ngl, it is broken. I can run past any civ while in heavy and get ahead with ease. - Heavy speed needs a nerf.
  28. Kurze

    Community Spotlight - June 2022

    Ah yes. This was moments before it escalated
  29. Kurze

    Server Suggestion When a Player is moaning unconscious and a medic approaches

    I disagree. There are times where there are no SGT+ on duty and we can't get DNA with this idea. Medics should be able to choose what to do. Getting DNA would increase the chances of catching the killer and preventing more deaths. Also realistic wise isn't a thing here. Realistically we can't...
  30. Kurze


    Absolutely love this, so good hahahaha