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  1. Dapsas

    Dont tell me that it was bad idea.

    Dont tell me that it was bad idea.
  2. Dapsas
  3. Dapsas

    AR for 2.5 on Dapsas/Kempotent

    Trying to kill you? We we're trolling around you and its not our problem that you drifted on the highway between town/bazaar and i rammed you by mistake.
  4. Dapsas

    AR Dapsas/Fappino Slaughter 5.3

    I didnt die,after that first raid,my first raid was on empty apartment,that i thought someone was inside and you came out of nowhere and tried to kill me by camping outside doors. Second time i raided you after more than 30 minutes.
  5. Dapsas

    Happy bday-Zyzz the legend!

    Happy bday-Zyzz the legend!
  6. Dapsas


  7. Dapsas


    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Fredy @Bolli @Inchs How long were you banned for: 6 months Your Steam Name: Dapsas Your In-game Name: Trauk Sankaba Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56733990 Why were you banned/blacklisted: - 2.5 - Mass RDM Why should this appeal...
  8. Dapsas

    A healthy discussion

    @luckkagaming My poor sweater <3
  9. Dapsas


  10. Dapsas


  11. Dapsas

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  12. Dapsas

    @dapsas ban appeal

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Fredy @Bolli @Inchs How long were you banned for: 6 months Your Steam Name: Dapsas Your In-game Name: Trauk Sankaba Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56733990 Why were you banned/blacklisted: - 2.5 - Mass RDM Why should this appeal...
  13. Dapsas

    PERPHeads Shooting Tier List (A very BTec Version Of One)

    @JRW Congratulations!!! You killed me for your 1st time!!!!
  14. Dapsas

    PERPHeads Shooting Tier List (A very BTec Version Of One)

    @JRW you talk too much JRW,you cant even go 1vs6,because youre too shit.
  15. Dapsas

    What do you mean???

    What do you mean???
  16. Dapsas


  17. Dapsas

    PERPHeads Shooting Tier List (A very BTec Version Of One)

    This post is not even true...
  18. Dapsas

    PERPHeads Shooting Tier List (A very BTec Version Of One)

    My aim is better than 90% players.
  19. Dapsas

    @ban appeal-dapsas

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Fredy @Bolli How long were you banned for: 6 months Your Steam Name: Dapsas Your In-game Name: Trauk Sankaba Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56733990 Why were you banned/blacklisted: - 2.5 - Mass RDM Why should this appeal...
  20. Dapsas

    What brings you back to keep playing?

    Only shootings,nothing else,no rp.
  21. Dapsas

    I guess,i cant mug you anymore,since you went for long vacation.

    I guess,i cant mug you anymore,since you went for long vacation.
  22. Dapsas

    Dont know.

    Dont know.
  23. Dapsas

    Shadowplay bugged,no vid :(

    Shadowplay bugged,no vid :(
  24. Dapsas

    Dw,ill come back and wont let you base anymore.

    Dw,ill come back and wont let you base anymore.
  25. Dapsas

    All good man

    All good man
  26. Dapsas

    Happy b day,party guy

    Happy b day,party guy
  27. Dapsas

    Post Your Car Thread

    and now 2015 Lexus ES300H from USA,i bought it in USA and shipped it to Lithuania.