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  1. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    that's getting changed real quick soon, i'm getting shamed off it
  2. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    i don't give a shit, i was a sweater
  3. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    i haven't checked upstairs typical camp uhhhh what
  4. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    ICEKILLER is a pro tho
  5. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    @Wiki yes :( go back to limelight lmao
  6. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    @Wiki yeah, i've been doing that they all wanked ass
  7. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    @Wiki nah, getting my reaction encounter up this way
  8. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    they start it themselves lmao
  9. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid that's the only one i can find rn smh, i've got a screen confiscating your shit worth 3 mill @Tamaninja will send it later over here
  10. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    @Tamaninja Sure, let me search up the screens 1 moment
  11. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    he smh manages to have 10 planters in his base daily, that's why we raided
  12. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    @Jamal It was for the fun, to make Tamaninja come up with his shit again, but stuff taken serious i see LMAO. tamaninja has 3mln in bank i say you, and I know Sorle is nothing, just trying to make Tamaninja believe his friends make me care smh
  13. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    @Tamaninja you had more :ethan: what's that
  14. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

  15. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    @Jamal You may think so, but the guy has 3 million worth of cocaine in his storage, and connections with such people like Sorle. He looks like a sweater but he is not, and at that time unfortunately there were not much people as we have expected from his crew.
  16. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    fuck loli's, god please don't speak about them the whole org hates me XD.
  17. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    atleast a remington in my hands is badddd, but you'll say some other crap again so i don't mind
  18. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    @Tamaninja like you haven't, you had a HK and your buddy a remington, would've been easy 4 pistols 1 M4.
  19. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    imagine crying because getting raided, got raided 6v3 and managed to defend it
  20. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    you think unarmed, you think
  21. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    btw don't mind about the marksmanship just barely using pistols lmao
  22. Mazan

    A formal Office Raid

    Haven't had something better at that moment to raid with, although the HK45 is a good weapon itself already. Thanks!
  23. Mazan

    >tells me i'll get banned for hacking >get's banned for a week >?

    >tells me i'll get banned for hacking >get's banned for a week >?
  24. Mazan

    Concealed Carry firearms

    Sneaky extended my point on this subject. It does not make sense if you have this license or not, people will still have a benefit and use the weapon outside their property illegaly. As mentioned by the whole GameMode is supported by crimes, as well as economics. There is no point in going to...
  25. Mazan

    Lag spike issues

    Sandbox is a piece of crap
  26. Mazan

    Raindancing not allowed?

    Haven't noticed in my whole gameplay on Perp, then sorry lmao
  27. Mazan


    Thanks for punishing the bad on perp, good luck on your retirement.
  28. Mazan

    Lag spike issues

    Having the same issue's recently. While driving the lag kicks in and makes a lot of people wrack their vehicles. It may be caused by lots of client side requests that are made in that period of time.
  29. Mazan

    I wish you a happy birthday!

    I wish you a happy birthday!
  30. Mazan

    Concealed Carry firearms

    I think it makes no sense to add something like this to PERPHEADS that the server is divided into two parts. Crime and public factions such as police depletion and the like. However, the developers would have to add a lot of things to the server so that CCW would have some sense on the server...