that's the only one i can find rn smh, i've got a screen confiscating your shit worth 3 mill @Tamaninja will send it later over here
@Jamal It was for the fun, to make Tamaninja come up with his shit again, but stuff taken serious i see LMAO. tamaninja has 3mln in bank i say you, and I know Sorle is nothing, just trying to make Tamaninja believe his friends make me care smh
@Jamal You may think so, but the guy has 3 million worth of cocaine in his storage, and connections with such people like Sorle. He looks like a sweater but he is not, and at that time unfortunately there were not much people as we have expected from his crew.
Sneaky extended my point on this subject. It does not make sense if you have this license or not, people will still have a benefit and use the weapon outside their property illegaly. As mentioned by the whole GameMode is supported by crimes, as well as economics. There is no point in going to...
Having the same issue's recently. While driving the lag kicks in and makes a lot of people wrack their vehicles. It may be caused by lots of client side requests that are made in that period of time.
I think it makes no sense to add something like this to PERPHEADS that the server is divided into two parts. Crime and public factions such as police depletion and the like. However, the developers would have to add a lot of things to the server so that CCW would have some sense on the server...