Search results

  1. orzel1244

    AR on Orzel for 5.6

    It wasn't kidnap, I just let you get in for a sec to mug you, that isn't smart to mug someone outside, I followed the 3.4
  2. orzel1244

    AR on Sinistivre / Yuri Pavlushka

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sinistivre / Yuri Pavlushka His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50331406 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Because he broke into my org apartament without reason, we killed 2 raiders, left evidences on gound and called cops...
  3. orzel1244

    AR on Ethan Doman

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 / Maciej Rosiak His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ethan Doman His/Her SteamID: kapijaM Why Should This Player Be Punished: Because he used prop to kill me, he did it 2 times, in first time he didn't killed me, just in second time. After first time he said "fuck you...
  4. orzel1244

    How to calculate materials with my application?

    UPDATE: Added ammo, pistols, shotguns Download: UPDATE: Added Magazines category Download: UPDATE: Added Smgs category DOWNLOAD: I also started working on android port, It's like 50% done :) But don't expect it in google play...
  5. orzel1244

    How to calculate materials with my application?

    Hello, I made application which using you can calculate cost of materials with taxes, I know there's application which can do it, but I made better application. Plans for next update: I will add more categories, at this moment there's only Materials, I'll add weapons and ammo. Source code...
  6. orzel1244

    AR on Marty Dulamur

    No, Sorry but I don't want to waste time because of player who broke rules, I gave you enought proofs, you have demo and tick.
  7. orzel1244

    AR on Marty Dulamur

  8. orzel1244

    AR on Marty Dulamur

    Your Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244 His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Joeylelelelelelelenonegivesafuc / Marty Dulamur His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:50295142 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Because he broke 3.4, I just wanted to put him under 3.4 when he was raiding, and wanted to mug him, then he...
  9. orzel1244

    Sons of Anarchy

    Sons of Anarchy Who are we? We're organization of people who hate system, we don't give a fuck about cops and about mayor, we have our laws, people calling us "criminal" orgranization, but I suggest to don't call it this way, we're calling us as organization which's against the system. What...
  10. orzel1244

    Sons of Anarchy Applications

    Please fill out the template below Your Steam name: Your name In-Game: Your in-Game phone number: Your age(OOC): Your playtime: Your playtime (Garry's Mod): Your money: Cars owned: Firarms level: Combat experience (1-10): Previous orgs: Why should we pick you (your special skills like...
  11. orzel1244

    The Dutch Family Applications

    Your Steam name: orzel1244 Your age(OOC): 18 y/o Your playtime: 5 days Your money: At this moment only 30k Cars owned: GMC Van Driving skills (1-10): 8 Firarms level: 29 Combat experience (1-10): 3 Previous orgs: Italian Mafia, Ghost guns family store Your name In-Game: Maciej Rosiak Your Age...
  12. orzel1244

    The Ghost Family Gun Shop Application

    How old are you (IC)?: 24 y/o What is your name (IC)?: Maciej Rosiak What is your firearms level?: 27 What is your crafting level?: 8 Driving level?: 6 Steam Name?: orzel1244 Age (OCC)?: 17 y/o Previous Orgs: Italian Maffia
  13. orzel1244

    Maciej Rosiak - AR

    I removed these props, sorry