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  1. Altradir

    Bring back, or revamp the old clothes.

    As someone who played a lot in evocity and old Paralake, I must say that I miss many things from that time. One of these is of course the amount of customization you could do with your character, making you actually feel unique in some way or another. I support this suggestion as I think it...
  2. Altradir


    Welcome to the community. I hope you enjoy it!
  3. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    I still think you didn't understand my point. Staff should intervene if there is a direct rule breaking. And in the past no, the staff didn't need to deal with these internal policy things because there were no policies at all (how far back are we going). And as I have said before, law =/= PLPD...
  4. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    Then the PLPD system should improve, or it wouldn't be used at all. I understand what you and @Mage are saying, but I still believe that is this a IC issue, so the solution should be IC. What are supervisors for if not to supervise their officers' actions? If the system doesn't work like you...
  5. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    @Mage the thing is, what you are saying is a thing that I believe must be the PLPD improving, not with staff interference.
  6. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    I have to agree with you on something: there seems to be a lack staff. For example, today during many hours there wasn't a single staff on (while the server had like 40 players on). If complaints are not efficient, then it is the PLPD duty to improve them to make them reliable, not the staff...
  7. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    @Mage But how don't they learn if the supervisor spoke with them? This, of course, if you fill the complaint, and why wouldn't you? If you have time to report to staff, you also have time to report it to the supervisors. Furthermore, when you say they are breaking a rule when not following PLPD...
  8. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    Have you experienced any of these examples?
  9. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    I just noticed that this was posted twice, I don't know why. Can this be deleted?
  10. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    So, using your previous example, are you telling me that if an officer randomly shoots a cuffed suspect or "drags them out into hicktown and cripple them to make them walk back for no reason", the staff member you called would just tell you to fill an IA complaint? I think that is totally...
  11. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    Did you even read what I wrote? Since it seems like you didn't, I will try to explain it to you in simpler words. If the Officer breaks the PLPD policy, then staff don't need to get involved (unless there are some specific reasons). If the Officer breaks the server rules (like you suggested)...
  12. Altradir

    Make it so staff can punish normal officers

    Just like @Mango said, there is a clear difference between new officers breaking the PLPD internal protocol and the server rules. The Staff Team should not get involved in internal PLPD issues, that is a job for the PLPD Supervisors. Staff Members are here to enforce the rules. To easily show...
  13. Altradir


    I will make this quick. This last week, I have been somewhat active on the server. Usually there aren't many staff members online, but one the seems to always be there is @McGlinchy. I have made quite some reports during this time, and all of them were answered by McGlinchy in good time and...
  14. Altradir

    911 CALLS: Display and functionality overhaul.

    I would say that all your "cons" could be prevented if it would still appear as it does right now, while having the option to access it as you suggested via the Police System in the Police car (F3).
  15. Altradir

    Allow players to join both a business/passive org and a criminal org.

    As I returned to the server, I noticed the lack of RP (mainly passiveRP) that is currently done in the server. One of the reasons might be exactly this: people have to choose between a Passive Organization and a Criminal one and it won't be a surprise that most people choose the last one...
  16. Altradir

    remove rain

    @Kelson Might I ask you why this server isn't about RP anymore? What happened?
  17. Altradir

    remove rain

    I think we shouldn't remove rain. It gives Paralake a more dynamic day so it doesn't feel always the same. It may also give a good excuse for a nice RP or just some interesting situations.
  18. Altradir

    The GREAT Perpheads giveaway

    William Norrington 954-1897 c:
  19. Altradir


    Well, Hello there! As you may have noticed, I am Altradir and I have just rejoined the server today after not playing for two years. Now I remember where I wasted a full month of my life. Anyway, I hope I see you ingame! My RP name is William Norrington. Cheers!