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  1. ExcelentAxelent

    Server Suggestion Tourniquet

    Yes, It would give EMS a little bit more time, and the urgency will remain when with 90+ players on average EMS gets called to a different scene every 2-3 minutes where they are stuck for at least a minute per scene. Therefore the 30 extra seconds could be life saving.
  2. ExcelentAxelent

    Server Suggestion Tourniquet

    So this is not a bump, Just a reinvention on how the Tourniquet should/could work. My idea for the Tourniquet is to have officers have 2 of them with them with the use of slowing down the death of downed suspects. Lets say if a person has a weak pulse then before Tourniquet is applied they have...
  3. ExcelentAxelent

    Model Suggestion Fireman GRENADES

    This would be cool Indeed, It could be used in multiple scenarios. For example if the roof of bazaar gets lit on fire again, or to control a fire in a building (slums/pjx staircase, regals) or just in general for Lazy Firemen. I think this is a good suggestion and it could just be done like a...
  4. ExcelentAxelent

    Traffic or Patrol

    Wait? But why would I apply for traffic? Isn't traffic really boring?
  5. ExcelentAxelent

    Traffic or Patrol

    Honestly I cant even remembering signing up for Patrol. But I do like the fancy cars I have :)
  6. ExcelentAxelent

    Traffic or Patrol

    I am not sure what department I am part of, However I guess it is Patrol. I'm about 70% sure of it :)
  7. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Eistee von Aldi)

    As this is good level and intend on RP Im willing to help re-gather the fish so you will not be demotivated to keep on doing this sort of RP, It cheers everyone in bazaar up seeing people do these sort of things. So yeah least we can do is help you continue this :)
  8. ExcelentAxelent

    Police Suggestion Internal Affair change

    Never had an IA on myself (yet) but from reading what you said, I agree that they should be able to explain themselves completely, wether this is done with 1 message or 20 it should not matter, As an IA is deemed a serious offense of Policy the defendant should be able to explain his side of the...
  9. ExcelentAxelent

    Server Suggestion Increase Reward for joining Forums

    I agree with Blobvis on this, Repetitive steps would be better. Maybe a weekly reward for all players of like $8,000 (that could be used for 1 Free wheel spin or a gun) And as requirement to receive this they need to : post/react at least 1 time. Upvote a post in the suggestion topic 1 time...
  10. ExcelentAxelent


    Hello back
  11. ExcelentAxelent

    Map Suggestion Remove Red Cross from Hospital sign

    Design in general looks better with the blue instead of red, so definitely +1
  12. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    As this was my first counter ever, I thought 3.4 applied to the extend of a "direct eyeshot" Therefore only looked as far to see if any officer was in the direct vicinity. Maybe as addition to rule 3.4 or 5.3 add something along these lines. When countering an on-going raid you need to make...
  13. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    Okay, But if the scene extends till the top of harbour lane, This technically means its considered as "1 zone", Therefore counter raids would be valid till the top of harbour lane as well in that case by that logic? I'm aware 3.4 is a real rule, however it says the officers need direct eyesight...
  14. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    demo [wetransfer]
  15. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    Now also please correct me if I am wrong, But the crime scene would be defined by the following factors : My shooting location(s) The location where the suspect died. Which Neither the suspect dying or me shooting was scene in eyesight or the cops. I get it that the rule is bend a little bit...
  16. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    Also we did NOT shoot any cops, the raiders did and we waited till they killed the 4 officers before started the counter raid, If more officers would've been on the crime scene we would've called it off, but as this clearly did not seem to be the case we opened fire.
  17. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    Im aware not every rule can be specified till it fullest but important details like these should definitely be defined within the rules if bans are handed out for them. Even though the original rule was not broken.
  18. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    We did not see any cops after the 4 that responded had died, Until later after I had already killed the person. However If a cop would have direct eyesight on the situation (as the ban is for that reason) , Would I not have been shot at/arrested by them? They didnt further respond until I...
  19. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (pomplex)

    As the user is part of my org I'll have a look if one of the members is able to contact him about this AR.
  20. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    Also I would like to add that IF I wouldve been in eyesight, Officers wouldve detained me at least to make sure, However no evidence on me was ever found.
  21. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Valentine)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: Valentine How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent Your Roleplay Name: Axel Ent Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669 Why were you banned/blacklisted...
  22. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Nighty , BPHMT , Nova , USNC Snip3r)

    There is nothing said about a raid being over when the player is still in the direct vicinity (Projex area) within the rules. I ran away after shooting your friend as cops arrived seconds after which I then realized + most of my friends that would help with the counter died already. So the 2.5...
  23. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Nighty , BPHMT , Nova , USNC Snip3r)

    Now about the statement made that there were cops on the upramp, There seems to be no direct rule written against countering with cops responding. As long as we are not aware of more cops in the area and the cops dont have any direct sight on us (which is what happened in this case) Now 5.3...
  24. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Nighty , BPHMT , Nova , USNC Snip3r)

    @Valentine I do have a question about the rules we got reported for though. As we got reported for 2.5 (Excessive Negativity) and 3.4 (Putting your life at risk) I would say both of these would be an incorrect rule break claim. As 2.5 would not apply when there is clear intent from the start to...
  25. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Nighty , BPHMT , Nova , USNC Snip3r)

    As far as I could find within the lines of the rules it says nothing about whether cops respond or not. I can see 3.4 as claim for maybe losing our freedom however I was never arrested in the scenario, Not even detained. Also We saw you kill the officers yes, We did not see any other officers...
  26. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Nighty , BPHMT , Nova , USNC Snip3r)

    Just checked my PoV, We did indeed shoot at you boys first, Our intent was to counter, We waited till the officers were dead and then wanted to counter. However this failed horribly. My PoV
  27. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Nighty , BPHMT , Nova , USNC Snip3r)

    I'm BPHMT (Axel Ent) , We planned to counter the raid, however as soon as we got shot at we opened fire as well, I am not 100% if our guys shot first or got shot at first, But as soon as my org members went down I went in to defending mode. That's why I flanked from scrapyard and shot down at...
  28. ExcelentAxelent

    Server Suggestion Filtering Options for Mixtures

    Maybe a toggle option that when toggled on it only shows what items the player is able to craft. And when toggled off that it will show all items.
  29. ExcelentAxelent

    Action Request (Nobiie)

    Your Steam Name: ExcelentAxelent Your Roleplay Name: Axel Ent Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:160695669 Player's Steam Name: Nobiie Player's Roleplay Name: Jonathan Eady Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:521541889 Why should this player be punished?: Player VDMed me when he knew I was there, He...
  30. ExcelentAxelent

    Ban Dispute (Dog)

    Thank you for replying yourself, I really appreciate this. This is indeed the message that we felt came over toxic right after the situation that happened, this may have been a wrong interpretation of how you meant it as text dont really show emotions with it, so I can't blame you only ourselves...