Search results

  1. TimThriller

    Last Montage Of The Year From Me

    you make no sense
  2. TimThriller

    ar issues

    hmm i want to tag a very special cop for this
  3. TimThriller

    Escape from tarkov trail giveaway

    thanks for doing the giveaway
  4. TimThriller


    anime kids
  5. TimThriller

    Christmas giveaway

    i need m82 so i can camp on office roof with jack bingo
  6. TimThriller

    @Draxen han är toxic

    @Draxen han är toxic
  7. TimThriller

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018 - Results

    see ayjay now yaseen is dead
  8. TimThriller

    What would you like changed?

    Nerf TFU and cheaper guns
  9. TimThriller

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018 - Results

    banned players cant win awards? yet wiki got one
  10. TimThriller

    AR on bobo and timthriller

    Wow @Collier are you slandering me right now
  11. TimThriller

    AR on bobo and timthriller

    Yes i tried to reload my gun i have reload binded on scroll
  12. TimThriller

    AR on bobo and timthriller

  13. TimThriller

    La Raton Laveur Applications.

    -OOC Info- Steam profile name: TimThriller^_^ Age: 20 How active are you?: everyday -IC Info- In game name: Emily Miller What cars do you have?: dubble upgraded mclaren p1,mazda rx8 Marksmanship?: 100 rifle/smg 61 pistol
  14. TimThriller


    Your in-game name: Emily Miller Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42661901 What do you need refunded: mp5k 1 mag 1 rifle comp Why do you want your item(s) refunded: someone killed me for no reason Evidence:
  15. TimThriller

    AR on TimThriller

  16. TimThriller

    AR on TimThriller

    why do you bring IC stuff here
  17. TimThriller

    AR on TimThriller

    we should still be warranted when a civil kills us?
  18. TimThriller

    AR on TimThriller

    it dosnt matter if it a cops or not you entered our house so i killed you
  19. TimThriller

    AR on TimThriller

    so me and @ALOO89 robbed the bank earlier today so we should be wanted i mean whats his reason to be outside our door and battering ram
  20. TimThriller

    Smurfs Apply

    -OOC Info- Steam profile name: Age: -IC Info- In game name: What cars do you have?: Rifle Marksmanship?: Why do you want to join?:
  21. TimThriller

    Smurfy org

    Org war time bitchess so me and @Dapsas are going to reopen the blue org again Apply Here:
  22. TimThriller

    The Blue's Organisation.

    Trauk Sankaba spotted doing illegal stuff inside office
  23. TimThriller

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2018

    i have 8 perma bans in league im not toxic and i never say the n word
  24. TimThriller

    Green Street Elite "GSE" Applications

    OOC Info:- Steam Name:- TimThriller^_^ OOC Age:- 20 Playtime:- 2 months 15 days IC Info:- Name- Emily Miller Rifle Marksmanship- 100 smg 100 rifle 60 pistol Firearms level- 125 How much money do you have- 500k Estimate your inventory worth- 1mil What Cars do you own- dubble upgraded mclaren...
  25. TimThriller

    Cheaper Guns Suggestion Post

    Yes We Need Cheaper Guns They Are So Expensive!!!
  26. TimThriller

    Front Yard Ballas Application

    1.) IC name: Emily Miller 2.) OOC name: TimThriller^_^ 3.) OOC Age: 20 4.) Steam Profile Link: 5.) In game race: white? 6.) Why should we accept you?: Becasue Iam Really Good At Shooting 7.) Firearms Level: 125 8.) In game playtime (hold "q" and look at the top of your screen): 3 months 9.)...
  27. TimThriller

    AR Phantom

    Your Steam/In-game Name: TimThriller^_^ Emily Miller His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Phantom Johnny Won-ton His/Her SteamID: Why Should This Player Be Punished: he picked up drugs while we raided him Evidence (Demo Required):
  28. TimThriller

    Neeko Neeko nii

    Neeko Neeko nii