-OOC Info-
Steam profile name: TimThriller^_^
Age: 20
How active are you?: everyday
-IC Info-
In game name: Emily Miller
What cars do you have?: dubble upgraded mclaren p1,mazda rx8
Marksmanship?: 100 rifle/smg 61 pistol
Your in-game name: Emily Miller
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42661901
What do you need refunded: mp5k 1 mag 1 rifle comp
Why do you want your item(s) refunded: someone killed me for no reason
Evidence: https://gyazo.com/403f5faeaea095bf5c6f2775f535d8e5
OOC Info:-
Steam Name:- TimThriller^_^
OOC Age:- 20
Playtime:- 2 months 15 days
IC Info:-
Name- Emily Miller
Rifle Marksmanship- 100 smg 100 rifle 60 pistol
Firearms level- 125
How much money do you have- 500k
Estimate your inventory worth- 1mil
What Cars do you own- dubble upgraded mclaren...
1.) IC name: Emily Miller
2.) OOC name: TimThriller^_^
3.) OOC Age: 20
4.) Steam Profile Link:
5.) In game race: white?
6.) Why should we accept you?: Becasue Iam Really Good At Shooting
7.) Firearms Level: 125
8.) In game playtime (hold "q" and look at the top of your screen): 3 months
Your Steam/In-game Name: TimThriller^_^ Emily Miller
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Phantom Johnny Won-ton
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: he picked up drugs while we raided him
Evidence (Demo Required):