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  1. TimThriller

    PLPD Montage

    hahah cringe to ask a TFU for demo
  2. TimThriller

    lets build paralake

  3. TimThriller

    lets build paralake

    TimThriller whitelist plez
  4. TimThriller

    Lower TFU armor

    Nerf TFU no debate
  5. TimThriller

    La Raton Laveur Applications.

    -OOC Info- Steam profile name: TimThriller Age: 20 How active are you?: 5h everyday -IC Info- In game name: Emily MIller What cars do you have?: dubble upgrade mclaren p1 Marksmanship?: 100/100 rifle smg
  6. TimThriller


    i use hacks on perp and csgo
  7. TimThriller


    pErP 1v1 tournament
  8. TimThriller


    When are you planing to start this day/time
  9. TimThriller


    Yes do it
  10. TimThriller


    Your in-game name: Emily Miller Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42661901 What do you need refunded: 1 planter box 50 weed Why do you want your item(s) refunded: the planter box went through the wall someone confiscated the planter Evidence...
  11. TimThriller

    PERPHeads Staff Team: Reloaded

    Sound interesting good luck
  12. TimThriller


    i dont know i didn't rebind any keys
  13. TimThriller


    so i cant talk and sprint at the same time
  14. TimThriller


    x is the talk button
  15. TimThriller


    i cant sprint in game when i hold x anyone know how to fix?
  16. TimThriller

    Nuestra Familia Applications.

    Steam name: TimThriller Age: 20 Playtime: 2 months 5 days How active are you?: im active everyday -IC Info- In game name: Emily Miller What cars do you have?: mclaren p1 1 upgrade Previous orgs: the avengers Why do you want to join the org?: i know people in the org What can you bring...
  17. TimThriller


    or i can just toggle the mic to x
  18. TimThriller


    yeah insane edit good job @Shokron13 thank you
  19. TimThriller

    Nuestra Familia Applications.

    -OOC Info- Steam name: TimThriller Age: 20 Playtime: 2 months 5 days How active are you?: im active everyday bro -IC Info- In game name: Emilyo Miller What cars do you have?: dubble upgrade transit van Previous orgs: cuka nuggets Why do you want to join the org?: bcs im bad at this game...
  20. TimThriller


    @ayjay ツ
  21. TimThriller

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  22. TimThriller

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  23. TimThriller

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  24. TimThriller

    Thanks :)

    Thanks :)
  25. TimThriller

    thanks :)

    thanks :)
  26. TimThriller

    thanks :)

    thanks :)
  27. TimThriller


    Your in-game name: Emily Miller Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:42661901 What do you need refunded: 2 m4a1 2 m16 stock 2 comensator 2 mags Why do you want your item(s) refunded: blocking balcony Evidence: Tick:
  28. TimThriller

    Beef thread

  29. TimThriller

    Beef thread

    you guys didnt even destroy anything so no