Search results

  1. BooingBison

    AR on Clay

    It's Clay Coleman I think
  2. BooingBison

    I was pushed in my rear end

    Overtaking is not illegal though and it is perfectly allowed. Also that car was stationary so I had no other choice.
  3. BooingBison

    I was pushed in my rear end

    Oops Also going to the other lane is called "overtaking", that car I was overtaking was also broken down or something because it was not moving. > 16.5. Elke inhalende bestuurder moet zich zo ver als nodig is van de in te halen...
  4. BooingBison

    I was pushed in my rear end

    you can do 80 there right?
  5. BooingBison

    I was pushed in my rear end

    Your in-game name: Nick Beckmen Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58678274 What do you need refunded: $500 - Engine repair $20000 - Exterior repair $100 - Carwash Why do you want your item(s) refunded: In the evidence you'll see multiple things: Cop only got into my render distance when I was already...
  6. BooingBison

    Ik ben geen racist, goeie rechten voor de werkende mens, deftige pensioenen, mijn erfenis die...

    Ik ben geen racist, goeie rechten voor de werkende mens, deftige pensioenen, mijn erfenis die niet gepikt wordt door de overheid...
  7. BooingBison

    Wa is da hier, N-VA wint precies overal

    Wa is da hier, N-VA wint precies overal
  8. BooingBison

    Ethan "The Rules" Belinsky

    I would like to recommend @Ethan. He is a very nice person that's always nice to me and is always open to roleplay. Lately he's been inviting a lot of sweaters to the server for his sweater zerg, he's also training them at the same time. I rarely see him breaking the rules even though he is...
  9. BooingBison

    Legion of Darkness getting violated

    video copyright nick beckmen 2019
  10. BooingBison

    Paralake Partnership Applications

    Template: In-Game Name: Nick Beckmen OOC Name: nickjedl Previous Organizations: Racxes, Grove street, grotti i think, Sam Ireland's, vault of meme Reason to Join the Organization: I want to have some fun with fun people in this fun organisation and I think I can help
  11. BooingBison

    Seperate option for OOC mute and LOOC mute

    Debation post: Main Idea: Seperate option for OOC mute and LOOC mute Full description of the idea: Seperate option for OOC mute and LOOC mute Why should it be added?: I'm tired of OOC shitshow and I muted...
  12. BooingBison

    2828246, thank you even though it's not your job :p

    2828246, thank you even though it's not your job :p
  13. BooingBison

    $2000 - Accepted IA Complaint

    Thanks for the heads up but I will not be closing this refund request since this is still money I lost when I should not have lost it.
  14. BooingBison

    $2000 - Accepted IA Complaint

    Your in-game name: Nick Beckmen Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58678274 What do you need refunded: $2000 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: This ticket was given to me unfairly and the IA complaint was accepted: 775116-I096H-18 Evidence: 775116-I096H-18
  15. BooingBison

    La Raton Laveur Applications.

    -OOC Info- Steam profile name: nickjedl Age: 18 How active are you?: 4 days a week if modsmins don't ban me -IC Info- In game name: Nick Beckmen What cars do you have?: E63 AMG, GMC Syclone Marksmanship?: not many but like 76 firearms ps: congrats on admin
  16. BooingBison

    The Galindo Cartel Recruitment

    -OOC Info- Steam profile name: nickjedl Age: 18 How active are you?: like 4 days a week if I don't get banned -IC Info- In game name: Nick Beckmen What cars do you have?: E63 AMG, GMC Syclone Marksmanship?: not many Bank account value: 2.6 mil pls accept, thx
  17. BooingBison

    Server Suggestion Chop Shop NPC

    I can either be another one of those "don't change anything" noobs or just support change and additional features. This will give use to jacking cars other than joyriding, it'll be an easy way to make money, police can do more stolen car roleplay... I support this idea.
  18. BooingBison

    AR on Nuckfuggers

    > Let me enter the base and don't stop the people trying to raid the fucking base of my org You let them in to raid us, stop denying it
  19. BooingBison

    AR on Nuckfuggers

    @Jimbo Also the reason he shot you is because you fucked us over
  20. BooingBison

    Dutch Masters

    The video he linked is from an extremely right party, everything but socialists :D
  21. BooingBison

    ar - marcus hudson

    I was the medic The intent was not to harm you in any way, we were just having fun, like 5 people online, and my boys Kirk and Marcus just messing around. I was right there as medic to revive any people that got shot, and we agreed on not shooting random people. Did it affect you in any way...
  22. BooingBison

    Dutch Masters

    Wat is dit Angelsaksisch gebrabbel? Spreek even de lingua franca van onze wereldlanden, makker.
  23. BooingBison

    breaking 3 4 since 01

    your aim has swag, teach me ur swag aim please
  24. BooingBison

    Dutch Masters

    Is dit een samenvoeging van Noord-Nederland en Zuid-Nederland op dit digitale Angelsaksische rollenspel? De Kluis van Memes erkend deze organisatie als kompaan en zal bijstand bieden wanneer nodig.
  25. BooingBison

    Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG Coupé 2016

    ph accepted
  26. BooingBison

    Bring back the "link radio"

    How do we stop the mods from driving around with ear rape music?
  27. BooingBison

    A discussion about the server's strictness over the years.

    With all due respect but I think you are very wrong. In my opinion the server has become less strict. Just check out my ban and warning record. You used to get banned for running across the intersection, now it is just a verbal warning. Maybe you are just breaking the wrong rules at the wrong...
  28. BooingBison

    Put a tutorials tab in the F1 menu

    Discussion: Main idea: Put a tutorials tab in the F1 menu Description: Put a tutorials tab in the F1 menu, they should be verified to be up-to-date before they're put in. Stuff like my planter box and RC tutorial could be...
  29. BooingBison

    La Camorrá - Applications

    -OOC Info- Steam name: nickjedl Age: 18 Playtime: 1 month, 8 days How active are you?: Honestly, I am addicted so I would say too active -IC Info- In game name: Nick Beckmen What cars do you have?: Mercedes E63 AMG & GMC Syclone Previous organisations: Grove Street, EDL, Ireland Family...
  30. BooingBison

    Liam Puka - gamertron

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Nick Beckmen / nickjedl His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Liam Puka / gamertron / STEAM_0:0:122752424 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player firstly stalled the answer of the zip-tie message, after this the player refused a zip-tie while he was in no position to do so...