Search results

  1. Roj

    The Bakassi Women

    allah is great
  2. Roj

    Unlock my Lock

  3. Roj

    Unlock my Lock

  4. Roj

    Do NOT Go to The Netherlands

    @Mikey @otherdutch
  5. Roj

    Happy B-Day Moron!

    Congrats you moron!
  6. Roj


  7. Roj

    Your own PH logo

  8. Roj

    u suk

    u suk
  9. Roj


  10. Roj

    No, i got shot irl. now im ded, playing from above.

    No, i got shot irl. now im ded, playing from above.
  11. Roj

    Congratulations Jordan

    Congratulations Jordan
  12. Roj

    Can i send u free vla

    Can i send u free vla
  13. Roj


    Matt, we love you
  14. Roj

    Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Roj / Danny McGarrett His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Carrot / Matthew Collins His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103922428 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User thought it was smart to shoot a dead body as cop while me dragging it, therefor this user broke 2.1 / 4.1 Evidence...
  15. Roj

    Bed spllingz fur live

    Bed spllingz fur live
  16. Roj


  17. Roj

    PERPHeads Quiz! How well do you know PERPHeads? //
  18. Roj

    Better weapons For police

    -Support, Normal partrol officers do not have heavy weapons. Also this has been suggested before, why would you give officers heavy weapons if you have a SWAT Team.
  19. Roj

    The Mayor + Firework

  20. Roj

    [New Organisation Page!] The Crimson Mafia

    Danny McGarrett ( @Roj ) Left the organistation for the following reasons: Dislike of some Organisation members Rudeness towards other members Always get told what the fuck to do. Go ahead, come and kill me, because hayden already called me a traitor. Still love you Danny's
  21. Roj

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Danny McGarrett Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59384745 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Action Request Accepted due, lost the gun due to a rulebreaker SG550 Evidence: Tick: n/a
  22. Roj

    Even though ur a nerd, still ly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Even though ur a nerd, still ly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  23. Roj

    Action Request - Resolved

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Roj / Danny McGarrett His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Wolfjie / Harry Gilbert His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59839910 Why Should This Player Be Punished: The person thought it was a smart idea to make a Headglitch with unsupported barricades. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: n/a
  24. Roj

    You are vanilla, i am choclate

    You are vanilla, i am choclate
  25. Roj

    Vla brothers for life,

    Vla brothers for life,
  26. Roj

    Kabouter Plop en de Gangherberg

    i need to be invited into this 0_0
  27. Roj


    This org made me rich.
  28. Roj

    Back from holiday!

    Good to see you back.
  29. Roj

    My Anniversary

    I helped you out with starting to administrate within GMod cccc;
  30. Roj

    Hello :)

    Welcome man, be advised, DO NOT TRUST @Alex_:D