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  1. Ben Lockwood

    Smack that ass in a circle :* beautiful man

    Smack that ass in a circle :* beautiful man
  2. Ben Lockwood


    Going to keep it short, I was pretty much done with playing the game so a while ago I made the decision to try for staff and I really enjoyed administrating but recently I don't have the time to hold the high staff rank that I had when there are more deserving people out there. I really...
  3. Ben Lockwood

    Reverse Name Thread

    Wow, bored or what?
  4. Ben Lockwood

    Ban request

    A few things too point out, first of all I would like to point out that while sprinting your gun is not shown as being in attack stance and I am fairly sure that the point Andii stops is as soon as he realizes that he is under direct gun point. The second thing I would like to point out is that...
  5. Ben Lockwood

    Updating vehicles

    The ferrari 512 has a tendency to spin as does the Nissan gtr, both cars only develop this after double upgrades. In addition the R8 really wobbles a lot to the point that it can spin the car out but I'm not sure if you can do anything about this. Good Luck Have Fun.
  6. Ben Lockwood

    Christmas avatars fam

  7. Ben Lockwood

    Luke Person Ban request.

    Seeing as the audio is lowered I will take this moment to say that Luke never asks you to get the money out of the ATM you go and do so of your own accord.
  8. Ben Lockwood


    Well you where talking less than 30 seconds before disconnect so you dc'ed before timing out for sure, but cya :)
  9. Ben Lockwood


    Steam name: Nigel (Main acc is silver smurf :D) Rank: Master Guardian 1 England last 8 games 8 top frags ;) poke me on the team-speak if you wanna play :)
  10. Ben Lockwood


    I noticed a lot of people on the server play CS when not on the server so i thought it might be a nice idea to post this thread so people can add each other and maybe get some full teams instead of having that annoying pickup guy screaming and knifing you in spawn. :) If you wanna play with us...
  11. Ben Lockwood

    Peter The Prophet

    The end goal has been achieved, what remains for the disciples of the prophet? VVVVVVV
  12. Ben Lockwood

    My inactivity

    Basically I thought I might take a short break and play skyrim, simples. Back now to catch them naughty rule breakers and hope you did not miss me too much babes. ;)<3
  13. Ben Lockwood

    Ban request

    Accepted, I will talk with the user in game before deciding on a punishment
  14. Ben Lockwood

    Ban request

    Closed due to format and lack of evidence.
  15. Ben Lockwood

    RIP Wolde :-D

    That was pretty nice ;)
  16. Ben Lockwood

    How to kill the mayor.

    Stuck in doors, ez wins ez lyfe.
  17. Ben Lockwood

    Luke Person (Lieutenant) Ban request.

    Denied Instead of accepting the demotion and RP'ing it out rather than Luke just clicking the button in the menu and you being teleported you decided to pull a gun on your LT whilst 4 officers had guns around you.
  18. Ben Lockwood

    Ban request

    No tick or player information provided so i can do nothing with this ban request. If you do not include the additional information by the end of today i will be closing this.
  19. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    No mention in the history. The man who declined Viktors offer and left the family the only way possible. :'( great work on the page though.:) ( was even godfather at one point bae, think I got you your invite in the beginning for saving me from some very angry men when I was underboss :D) <3
  20. Ben Lockwood

    Job Guide [Mildly Outdated]

    Best guide so far, in depth well done and what a handsome man modelling. but seriously great work so far Moron.
  21. Ben Lockwood

    Bye for nao :(

    okay then :'C
  22. Ben Lockwood


    -support as it would massively unbalance the games economy in favour of people in a large gang over someone who grinds for twice as long alone or in a small group.
  23. Ben Lockwood

    Upcoming Server Update

    Man, more features by the day. Great work continues, thanks for all your efforts guys.
  24. Ben Lockwood

    K2 - 3 important map changes. (ideas 11-13/143)

    These are not changes that should be taken so likely as the are not all so easy, like maybe smoothing out the T junction at bazar isn't too hard but an overhaul on the city halls exterior is a little bigger (the auto de-spawn would remove the truck anyway at the moment). For the first two points...
  25. Ben Lockwood

    Lower duration of ban has NOT change for a friend!

    Glad we got this sorted then :) Closed
  26. Ben Lockwood

    Mayors F3 System

    Great idea but if this I would only like to see this if the taxes where fixed so that they no longer reset to 0 (I think every hour and a half).
  27. Ben Lockwood

    Upcoming Server Update

    Lots of new features that are great on test server can't wait for them to be implemented on the real server. Whoever wrote that SS quiz must be a sexy man ;). Seriously though great work Fredy.
  28. Ben Lockwood

    Another Hung Chow video.

    I managed to get a well placed nade down and kill everyone but the person filming had died.... :'( The grenade might have also killed Minishawsi but that is not important. After all that I ended up rushing some cops without realising I had no ammo.