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  1. Ben Lockwood

    Im new to this land

    Welcome to the server and the forums, have fun and I hope I will see you in game:)
  2. Ben Lockwood

    Double Ban request.

    - support, I really don't see anything ban able here, with regards 1.1 you just posted a video in which you called them "fucking retarded" (3.39 into the video.) IMO the break of 3.24 was minor and in no way ruined the RP until you decided to walk away and report them etc, just saying 3.24 in...
  3. Ben Lockwood

    This is how to fire fight

    10/10 would fire truck explosion jump again.
  4. Ben Lockwood

    The Perp Heads Phone

    Might be worth inboxing the owners on the site.
  5. Ben Lockwood

    Anime Discussions and Stuff

    You have met some of the people in this community right?
  6. Ben Lockwood

    I am back!

    Welcome back to the server man.
  7. Ben Lockwood

    Finlay Russell karaoke day 30th 5:30 gmt

    DJ Finlay is back.
  8. Ben Lockwood

    Jagace's refund request

    //closed and moved due to OP request in game.
  9. Ben Lockwood

    Beatboxer talent discovered in the underground!

    The beat boxing was cringe to the max. Thank god it was abruptly ended.
  10. Ben Lockwood

    Till next month

    Good luck have fun fam. #2lazy4datshit.
  11. Ben Lockwood

    Bug report

    // closed.
  12. Ben Lockwood

    Anime Discussions and Stuff

    I can see some very odd links in this thread.
  13. Ben Lockwood


    10/10 should dj again.
  14. Ben Lockwood

    Refund request

    You will have a demo as Gmod is always recording. Check your demo folder I pm game
  15. Ben Lockwood

    Refund Request

    //closed and moved.
  16. Ben Lockwood

    Refund Request

    // closed and moved.
  17. Ben Lockwood

    Ban Request - Ben Standish

    I am in agreement with moron, I would like to see the events from standish's perspective. This will be a tough eon for Tobi to call I think.
  18. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    Pretty good on pistol rounds.
  19. Ben Lockwood

    I'm new

    Welcome to the community, hope to see you in game.
  20. Ben Lockwood

    when can cops raid/warrant?

    Another reason to enter without a warrant is if the LEO has reason to believe someone's life is in danger in the building.
  21. Ben Lockwood

    Greatest Perpheads moment. Watch!

    You see instead of pulling his gun he ran away and screamed, big mistake that how Lewis wins. You turn around you die.
  22. Ben Lockwood

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Show off your truck!

    What is the new obsession with truck simulator? I just don't get it, is it a joke orrr?
  23. Ben Lockwood

    A check bank app

    + support! I'm very very lazy.
  24. Ben Lockwood

    I am back!!!!!

    Sorry I'm late, missed this one. Thanks for keeping me company on the highway haha.
  25. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    Is now a mod.... FINALLY :D
  26. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    Has recently become an enforcer. (Much deserved:)
  27. Ben Lockwood

    Betsy the cars police chase

    I love Betsy, #unstoppable
  28. Ben Lockwood


    hey, see you ingame.
  29. Ben Lockwood

    Ban request - Pepitoz

    I really hope not.
  30. Ben Lockwood

    Ban request - Pepitoz

    The officer that shot at you while you had miller under gunpoint was kinda dodgy.