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  1. Ben Lockwood

    A little game!

    Drives a purple skyline (badly) and is a very bad person to mess with. Awful at counter strike xD
  2. Ben Lockwood

    Spotify on the radio?

    Yeah but best of luck anyways man
  3. Ben Lockwood

    How do i create an organization?

    The forums should contain everything you need to learn about starting and maintaining and org but if you need any help or fancy a bit of advice pm me :) (Ben lockwood) I would hope I can help with most things
  4. Ben Lockwood

    Sorry (heat of moment)

    I'm sure that the staff and owners are appreciative of your apology, sleep on it next time.:)
  5. Ben Lockwood

    Why hello there stranger.

    Welcome to the server and the forums :). If you need a hand with anything feel free to pm me in game (Ben lockwood)
  6. Ben Lockwood


    Ah sorry I retract my previous statement. :)
  7. Ben Lockwood

    Toffelfabriken resigning

    Thanks for the time you spent helping the community.
  8. Ben Lockwood

    Spotify on the radio?

    Not that I really know what I'm talking about but I am fairly sure that it is a little bit harder than just making it happen however if it is possible and not too excessive this is a great idea.
  9. Ben Lockwood

    My best raid.

    They wrecked the party bus/ fun wagon... Those monsters
  10. Ben Lockwood

    Lost 100K from test drive bug

    Seem's a little odd seeing as I have never encountered or heard of anyone who has encountered this bug. Good luck with the refund however I think this will be a difficult one for the staff it call.
  11. Ben Lockwood

    RULE SUGGESTION: Panic Button

    Glad this has been clarified, their are a lot of people who spam that bind under gun point and a good portion of those justify it. This should help people understand when it is appropriate to press the panic button.
  12. Ben Lockwood

    So many whiners...

    That whine about whiners remark is true toffel.
  13. Ben Lockwood

    Don't wall ride... Buck Bishop.

    Just that moment where the cr hits him ... I watched it 10 times
  14. Ben Lockwood

    Lewis 088...

    To be honest Lewis has an obligation to punish people who break rules and at the end of the day he is going to upset people doing this. Can't please them all I guess. (Sorry that I posted on an old topic but I just wanted to say)
  15. Ben Lockwood

    Police Org

    Not sure this would be that effective for a number of reasons such as limited slots in the force etc. all the same good luck to you Palono hope you catch some law breakers.
  16. Ben Lockwood


    Dem masks though xD
  17. Ben Lockwood

    :Story: the office of death

    Not gonna lie I have no idea what happened there I had a bobby pin and was planning on trying a solo raid because I was bored then the chief starts helping and trying to get in aswell,
  18. Ben Lockwood

    Useless RC

    If the road crew has a car in the impound and booted they can't re-spawn it without re logging. Maybe if they die they can re spawn the car however I'm not sure about that. This probably doesn't help too much but I thought I would explain.
  19. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    Seriously though the membership part needs tidying up
  20. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    ^ add billy to peasant
  21. Ben Lockwood

    Paralake City Vover9000

    Sorry for the double post but I just noticed that my question in the dev log discussion about luxury road wasn't answered. Real question is, you hiding something owners? :3
  22. Ben Lockwood

    The Belinsky Family

    Loving the paid alliance stuff
  23. Ben Lockwood

    Paralake City Vover9000

    Holeee fak. I can kiss my social life goodbye
  24. Ben Lockwood

    Searching someone in-game is a bit fail

    I agree with ruby I don't see the problem with the current system as in order to preserve their life if searched at gun point the player has to comply and drop whatever the officer/mugger asks.
  25. Ben Lockwood


    The rules at the moment regarding this are fine, changing this to just kidnapping and hostage taking at will could cause a problem for the staff team as people on the receiving ends of these actions rarely take them kindly and often cause problems by report/ban request spamming because they are...
  26. Ben Lockwood

    new rule suggestion "minge grabbing"

    I think a rule should be put in place that prevents swat/police confiscating during a sit. Example being sometimes we are based and on the defence and we get pushed back but a cop runs into gun fire and grabs some plants or guns before dieing and is all the richer for it. Basically this would...
  27. Ben Lockwood

    Hitmen Royale

  28. Ben Lockwood

    Cops Guide: Speed Enforcement 101

    Good guide, especially liking the be lenient if they comply etc as tickets are often the cause of conflict. A good guide on a job not everyone knows how to play. Great job.
  29. Ben Lockwood

    Mixture Info

    Used this the whole way from 1-100 helped me so much, thanks a lot man.
  30. Ben Lockwood

    MEGA Corporation

    This was posted before all this was added check time stamps