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  1. Bishop Brothers

    Tyler Bishop is going to be keeping the org going. If you would wish to join the org and keep the Bishop name, contact Tyler or Me and ill let him know.
  2. Well, here it is.

    FINALLY OMG! NOW I DONT HAVE TO HEAR SHIT ABOUT YOU ANYMORE. Jk. Love you. Doesn't really matter since we are brothers so.......Havent really left always have to deal with your ass. Btw, Shitters Clogged.
  3. Senlin™ - introduction

    <3 Welcome Love.
  4. Good Fellas

    After making changes to my organization the war will be terminated. I wish you the best of luck with this org.
  5. Bishop Brothers

    After many times of being told that my org sucks and its bad and blah blah blah. I decided to make the org a passive org. This means all wars will be terminated.
  6. Bishop Brothers

    ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS!: We need more people to be active. Including me. Please for the sake of the org, try to play when you can it would really be nice to keep playing with you all.
  7. Good Fellas

    Due to your actions the Bishop Brothers are now at WAR with you. 2 options: Give up Fight Your choice.
  8. Hey Guys

    Wobbie! Love the name. Welcome to this fine community.
  9. I'm done with perp due to luke person

    gg swag 420 yolo Rip in buck. Don't wall ride.
  10. Bishop Brothers

    The Chosen Few and The Bishop Brothers have come to an agreement with an alliance pact. If any problems runs up with this pact it will be terminated directly and no dealing between the families will ever be accepted.
  11. Bishop Brothers

    Just added some more members as well as ranks. Welcome all new members I hope you enjoy the Bishops.
  12. I think its time to call quits.

    I cant....No....Im so donneee.. :'( Im so upset. Miller ill miss you. You were honestly one of my favorite people on the server and still is. Talk to me bb.
  13. Bishop Brothers

    Since there was a problem with the rules, NO MUGGING what so ever. If you fail to do so, you will be kicked from the org.
  14. bye

    GG played with you yesterday.
  15. Bishop Brothers

    Just added the members and the application format.
  16. After almost a year, it's time.

    We haven't really talked much to you and we haven't really had any "good time" together. I hope everything goes well for you, and I do hope to see you sometime in the future maybe teamspeak or the server possibly if you ever join lol. Anyways sad to see a good staff go.
  17. Hello and goodbye

    You just had a bad time. Dont give up so easily mate. I cri when I red dis.
  18. bye

  19. Just so yall kno.

    Joshua go home your drunk
  20. Blackdown - Leaving.

    You didn't leave? <3 love you CyberSick69
  21. Upcoming Server Update

    Well hot damn. Finally.
  22. Prepper: Resign - (Moderator)

    Prepper, I never really talked to you often but we did have some convos here and there. So pretty much I wish the best of luck to you in the future. You were a cool guy. Also good luck with the Red Cross stuff.
  23. Bishop Bitch

    Bishop Bitch
  24. I is Sorry

    I just want everyone to know that I haven't left the server and/or avoiding it in any way if you think this. I try to get on when I can but there server is rather always full or im actually busy for once in my daily life. I play sports and well as go to school like everyone else and I rarely...
  25. Hi My Name Is Frank Smith

    Don't mean to be rude but, how could the map be funny?
  26. 8 Awkard Minutes

    So my brother and I decided to derp around on Mount Your Friends. Gets really....awkward. I hope you enjoy and puts a smile on your face. oooh bb
  27. I'm done.

  28. I'm Back Bitches

    10/10 would bang
  29. Ban Request n0thing 3.4

    What carrot said, but also please provide the UNKNOWN information as soon as possible.
  30. Bishop Brothers

    This org was disbanded due to the fact of inactivity and it was simply falling apart. Wish the best of luck to all of you.