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  1. Garo.k

    Im having a baby!

    So fucking stupid, It could've been a shemale you were fucking since you were so drunk
  2. Garo.k

    Your job?

    Drug dealer
  3. Garo.k

    When did you start playing?

    Joined 2013 most of my time I've been banned. I probably got the most bans In this community
  4. Garo.k

    Mr clean record Is working hard all day long, that's why, but still active on forums

    Mr clean record Is working hard all day long, that's why, but still active on forums
  5. Garo.k


    I hope all rulebreakers get punished,look at me I have been here since 2013 and my record Is still clean as a freshly newborn baby's ass, how did I do It? The answer is very easy,and the answer Is It was easy.
  6. Garo.k

    Thank you for a good time

    It was some good old times before with all the shooting, and growing,nobody could fuck with us or they would have a nice c4 planted on their door with some handgrenades inside their home, It was fun having you in the organization and you did a very good job, wish you good luck
  7. Garo.k

    About today....

    People here likes to joke about everything and thinks It's funny because they are kids with no respect. Cancer Is not something that you joke about, I hope nobody gets It.
  8. Garo.k

    recommend north face youth hoodies

    I can beat you all alone
  9. Garo.k


    My good friends, Andii to the right side. The Armenian mafia in real life
  10. Garo.k


  11. Garo.k


  12. Garo.k

    mass unban (with exceptions)

    Yes unban everyone, reset the warnings and bans and give the players a new chance, also max ban should be a year, Why this? Because you get more cash, more players on the server. Permanent Is not needed, It's easy to reban someone and one year Is alot. Permanent should be added for non english...
  13. Garo.k

    Not going to play anymore.

    I don't understand why do you guys always get banned or demoted.Just follow the rules It's not a hard thing to do, I mean look at me I have been playing here for so many years with a clean record
  14. Garo.k

    Another Bad Montage

    Makes me sad Instead of happy,jk you is very good
  15. Garo.k

    Another Bad Montage

    I could raid you with a knife only and succeed
  16. Garo.k

    Unban andii

    Unban andii
  17. Garo.k

    Låt dessa skitungar snacka, dom e inget mot oss

    Låt dessa skitungar snacka, dom e inget mot oss
  18. Garo.k

    Who the fuck are you? Fucking Idiot, don't put your nose in our stuff or I will break It

    Who the fuck are you? Fucking Idiot, don't put your nose in our stuff or I will break It
  19. Garo.k

    #Freeme #Permban

    #Freeme #Permban
  20. Garo.k

    Ermak-Just Like Tyla (Acoustic)

    Good job kid
  21. Garo.k

    The fool died instantly

    The fool died instantly
  22. Garo.k

    Kommer bli så fint när du är tillbaks, vi har mycket grejer som måste fixas förfan

    Kommer bli så fint när du är tillbaks, vi har mycket grejer som måste fixas förfan
  23. Garo.k

    Will purchase V.I.P if you return.

    Since I'm poor and new on the server, I will take 1 years of V.I.P thanks.
  24. Garo.k


  25. Garo.k

    Apology to Xhantium

    Or you can say like me "Everyone deserves another chance" I've said that on my 9 or 11 ban appeals and it always worked. Oh wait I've been banned for a year maybe, bye. Don't say what I just said.
  26. Garo.k


  27. Garo.k

    Thank you

    Thank you
  28. Garo.k

    Thank you

    Thank you