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  1. Garo.k


    You risked your own life by not dropping your phone after getting told to several times with weapons pointed directly at your head
  2. Garo.k


  3. Garo.k

    How hard can you punch? Post your video below

    My maximum was 971.
  4. Garo.k

    The Standish Family

    Wish you goodluck with the organization i will allways help you Ben and Angelina in case you need help with something
  5. Garo.k
  6. Garo.k

    Glad that you liked it but i am afraid i can't say the same about yours.Ugly ass obey cap and...

    Glad that you liked it but i am afraid i can't say the same about yours.Ugly ass obey cap and beheaded
  7. Garo.k

    Always wear a seatbelt

    Worst video ever
  8. Garo.k

    Go back to your giraffe suit

    Go back to your giraffe suit
  9. Garo.k

    I think you are tired and should go to sleep + stop watching horror movies

    I think you are tired and should go to sleep + stop watching horror movies
  10. Garo.k

    Heart-felt my ass

    Heart-felt my ass
  11. Garo.k


  12. Garo.k


  13. Garo.k
  14. Garo.k

    Ban Request

    Get your information straight. That is not me and not my car, my car is fully black not black and red
  15. Garo.k

    Garo, Robin A.K.A a very connfusing sit

    No rules were broken because me and Robin grabbed rifles and were trying to raid a subs house, then there was a long police chase, and when you put the spikes behind my car i tried to escape that is why you got run over.This was not because of him getting a ticket.Very confusing situation
  16. Garo.k

    Roadcrew got what he deserved

    Roadcrew failed to run me and @Millheimer over.This is what happened to him.
  17. Garo.k


    You guys gave me a headace
  18. Garo.k

    Ban Request on Andii

    I don't accept your apology Mr.kid
  19. Garo.k

    I fucked up.

    Ethan it's time for you to start to play on darkrp servers. You keep fucking up your chances
  20. Garo.k

    Hulk vs officer

  21. Garo.k


    Sad to see that you got permbanned my friend and i hope that you will get unbanned someday.You will be missed by The Armenian Mafia and you were the best "Captain" we had.Good luck in the future
  22. Garo.k

    The Avito

  23. Garo.k

    The Avito

    The Armenian Mafia has declared war on you
  24. Garo.k


  25. Garo.k

    We pulled a prank on Roddy once again

    Roddy thought we were going to raid instead he got a big surprise when he returned back to his car
  26. Garo.k

    We pulled a prank on Roddy once again

    Roddy got pranked once again he thought that he was going to get banned for 4 months @Chris @Millheimer
  27. Garo.k

    Cop rdming

    +Support I also saw when the cops shot you down while you were unarmed 2.1 3.3 were definitely broken
  28. Garo.k

    Ban Request 2.5

    They should get a warning or a ban, next time they need to be 100% sure before molotoving the correct house.
  29. Garo.k

    Ban Request on Amy Belinsky

    +Support She broke 2.5, there were alot of expensive cars there