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  1. MegaFro

    Free refund, thanks :cool:

    Free refund, thanks :cool:
  2. MegaFro

    Refund Request (MegaFro)

    Your Steam Name: MegaFro Your Roleplay Name: Nil Griunvald Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:120899456 Requested Items: AK-101, Full Mag, Compensator (I think), Red dot. Evidence Type: Action Request Evidence Link: 4:10, instant blackscreen, user got banned for cheating and this is probably...
  3. MegaFro

    I am the best raider of All time

    Wait, real? My hard earned money from letting TFU confiscate tons of firearms while I cower behind my ford van will be returned to me?
  4. MegaFro

    I am the best raider of All time

    This wouldn't be possible without you, my reliable AK101 salesman
  5. MegaFro

    wtf is this bug?

    This happened to me while raiding a sweater with Trauk, deserved.
  6. MegaFro

    What the fuck is this sound

    Ragdoll :)
  7. MegaFro

    I am the best raider of All time

  8. MegaFro

    What happend to Org

  9. MegaFro

    What happend to Org

    They were running Paralake_v4, so I had to get involved, I made such a mess that they have to make V5 to cover it up. Wake up.
  10. MegaFro

    Only For Tinky only for him

    Bro what rank is this??? These people are fucking clueless, obviously gj but wtf haha
  11. MegaFro

    self report

    3:03 I have the same shit happen to me it's so annoying lol
  12. MegaFro

    Peoppel are scared

    BUT, when I'm a police officer and we're having a bad shootout, and I see Jack Bruhross 10-8, I become hopeful
  13. MegaFro

    Peoppel are scared

    Me too man, me too.
  14. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Fun Crime

    damn I wouldn't have thought that this was possible, good job it sounds like everybody involved had fun. I feel like we would've been able to have more fun situations regarding the bank if its wasn't such a risk, you get tons of people and tons of guns that you can lose so obviously people will...
  15. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Change the firefighter hose sound

    Suggestion Title: Change the firefighter hose sound Suggestion Description: Change the sound of the firefighter hose Why should this be added?: - The current sound effect is a loop of 1 second recording and it's literally unbearable to listen to What negatives could this have?: - None
  16. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Fun Crime

    after watching FiveM I too had some of his ideas regarding hostages and police demands, because personally I don't see the fun in just playing to win 24/7 in bank robberies and such, but I guess this is what perp is and well I still enjoy it.
  17. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion New org perks at higher levels.

    ORG radio's when?
  18. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion More recreational things

    Yes please, I can already imagine opening a cafe and putting chess and stuff there, because right now besides people chatting or just chilling there's isn't much motivation to do passive RP regarding cafes.
  19. MegaFro

    What Programming language do you use/What are your shticks?

    oh man I learned a bit of HTLM when I was like 12, and I mean a tiny bit but it was fun. I might need to learn C++ Because I want to make a game with unreal
  20. MegaFro

    Operation Break Perpheads

    Sadly this lasted for 0.1 seconds but I like the screenshot
  21. MegaFro

    Operation Break Perpheads

    can't wait to be stuck in traffic and have 2 fps at bazaar
  22. MegaFro


  23. MegaFro

    A THANK YOU to everyone :D

    Damn I'd love to stream, but it would consist of me being awkward when dealing with situations as a cop and trying to find which law the person broke. Your streams seem fun af so huge contratulations on the achivement
  24. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Bring Queue Server Back

    I mean makes sense, it already runs very poorly for me.
  25. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Bring Queue Server Back

    Raising slots isn't hard right? Why aren't they raised everytime there's demand, or do they require a restart or something
  26. MegaFro

    Helping new players? Great idea!

    lmfao the decision to shoot was so fucking instant yet he turned so slowly was really funny
  27. MegaFro

    Spooky's Miscellaneous Montage

    medal? who?
  28. MegaFro

    Server Suggestion Group chats

    Can we generally get a bit of a rework on the messenger app? Personally it feels very old and just unpleasant to navigate through
  29. MegaFro

    Map Suggestion kill barrier (Unrealistic)

    no need to be so dismissive
  30. MegaFro

    Post your setup

    Love that Monster™ fridge