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  1. Ysauzi

    ar on zoephix

    you cant abuse the game mechanic because one bullet to your head will kill you. please breathe in 100% oxygen for 16 hours :shamefullyembarrased:
  2. Ysauzi

    ar on zoephix

    @Zoephix still rulebreak
  3. Ysauzi

    ar on zoephix

    gunpoint = you follow orders if you dont follow gunpoint is rulebreak, simple (unless the person shot at you which i didnt) preserving your life would be following my orders and getting out of the car as i told you. If you can make up these excuses and its allowed then 3.4 wouldnt be enforced...
  4. Ysauzi

    ar on zoephix

    Your Steam/In-game Name: ysauzi / zuko downey His/Her Steam/In-game Name: zoephix / michael newman His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50197118 Why Should This Player Be Punished: drove away under gunpoint and then ran me over. (cant hear it but he even said that i broke failRP mulitple times before...
  5. Ysauzi

    hes the biggest

    hes the biggest
  6. Ysauzi

    AR on Wiki

    can confirm
  7. Ysauzi


    we supply you with the mats and then you craft things and give back, simple and you level up
  8. Ysauzi


    you dont know anything shut up
  9. Ysauzi

    perp is broken, change my mind

    @NoHax my laugh made me immune to any cuffings
  10. Ysauzi

    perp is broken, change my mind

    i love myslef
  11. Ysauzi


    i didnt like that :(
  12. Ysauzi


  13. Ysauzi


    he is very rude and kicked me from his discord server :mad::mad::mad::mad:!! big fat -SUPPORT
  14. Ysauzi

    First images of black hole

    because you have a smaller brain than abduski and dont appreciate the work made by these people who spent alot of time and effort to make this happen. literally the first picture of a black hole and you are saying negative stuff towards it
  15. Ysauzi

    First images of black hole

    vaccines cause autism change my mind
  16. Ysauzi

    Being allowed to shoot people for running into shootouts

    @amr well he didnt comment to your reply? just because people are defending him doesnt mean they are megalolis? It could be that your post was actually dumb and you just dont realize that
  17. Ysauzi

    Being allowed to shoot people for running into shootouts

    literally no one of them are megalolis what the fuck is this slander
  18. Ysauzi

    Al Capone's Montage #1

    android quality
  19. Ysauzi

    fucking fruit less iq than a pineapple looking ass

    fucking fruit less iq than a pineapple looking ass
  20. Ysauzi

    wtf yaseen dont talk to me

    wtf yaseen dont talk to me
  21. Ysauzi
  22. Ysauzi


    "Better options" = no personality only text honestly how is not hearing anything and only seeing text serious roleplay? deadass being able to hear personalities is way better than looking at the big ass description of people above their head.
  23. Ysauzi


    @elmond not having voices = not roleplay seeing text is not realistic instead of hearing voices
  24. Ysauzi


  25. Ysauzi


    @elmond are you stupid? You can still have character development with mics involved. GTA V RP, you can have accents which allow you to understand how old / ethnicity they are. Without mics there is just text, no immersion no accents no nothing.
  26. Ysauzi

    stop rating friendly or else

    stop rating friendly or else
  27. Ysauzi


  28. Ysauzi

    stop flexing your WHITE keyboard literally the only thing you show

    stop flexing your WHITE keyboard literally the only thing you show
  29. Ysauzi

    giveaway ok

    im currently broke