Search results

  1. McYeke

    ArmA 3: Operation Hillclimber

    If you need an extra, I can join, I enjoy doing shit like this! (dont really have a specialization)
  2. McYeke

    A proper introduction

    Sorry - late reply but Welcome to the community, got any questions feel free to drop me a PM and I will do my best to answer them for you!
  3. McYeke

    Help (Mic problem)

    Could it be the headset just simply went past its "life usage" or if your on win10, drivers can fuck you up, does it on mine
  4. McYeke

    /me laughs

    /me laughs
  5. McYeke

    Am I an ideal candidate then? ;) (inb4 deleted post)

    Am I an ideal candidate then? ;) (inb4 deleted post)
  6. McYeke

    you have no room to talk, The duck walked up to the lemonade stand yonks ago

    you have no room to talk, The duck walked up to the lemonade stand yonks ago
  7. McYeke

    I am still proud of that kill...

    I am still proud of that kill...
  8. McYeke

    PH UK Northern Meetup

  9. McYeke

    PH UK Northern Meetup

    Lads, wanna get free Jezza kyle tickets (depends if they have free spaces)
  10. McYeke


    WE NOW OFFER DELIVERY AS I BOUGHT MY DELIVERY CAR: (looks better in PERP @ShadowJoey can agree) Contact Number: Updated later today!
  11. McYeke


  12. McYeke

    Am I the only one that turns their fridge up to number 4?

    Am I the only one that turns their fridge up to number 4?
  13. McYeke

    How does one do that without getting murked T^T

    How does one do that without getting murked T^T
  14. McYeke

    PH UK Northern Meetup

    NGL idk, would have to be decided by the people who want to attend and figure out a date we can mostly do.
  15. McYeke

    PH UK Northern Meetup

    'Ello ar'kids, Anyone in the UK fancy doing an up north meetup in Manchester? You will have to be 16 minimum for the most part but after about 5 it will be sadly 18+ as I am not getting fined for buying you alcohol or shit
  16. McYeke

    Joe Baggers in nutshell

    @Slayerduck do you not cringe at this shit?
  17. McYeke

    Bryford's - General Manager

    VACANCY GENERAL MANAGER Duties: - Assisting in training floor staff - Ensuring high standards of customer service - Dealing with complaints - Ensuring tasks are complete and the shelves are fully stocked Person Spec: To be eligible for this role, you must have experience in a retail...
  18. McYeke


  19. McYeke

    You horde scum, you cannot fight against the Alliance headed by the Dwarven Resistance and...

    You horde scum, you cannot fight against the Alliance headed by the Dwarven Resistance and Gnomic Mechanic Division of the 99th Batallion
  20. McYeke

    Bryford's - Store Colleagues

    VACANCY x5 Store Colleagues Duties: - Ensure all stocks are placed and priced correctly - Ensure the building is clean from rodents and bodily fluids - Sale of items - Providing quality customer service - Giving advice on products Want to apply? Post your CV below!
  21. McYeke

    Byford's General Store

    Welcome to the grand opening of Byford's We are pleased to announce we are opening a store near you of our fantabulous chain of stores which first started off with McYeke's and we have now grown into a General Store which sells all sorts! Location: Bryford's (formally Puffer Mart), Business...
  22. McYeke


    I have had a try at making a logo, thoughts? image 2:
  23. McYeke

    CreepyTree - Online Sales Platform

    Welcome to Creepy Tree, this is a site just like eBaY, Amazon and Gumtree, you post your ads below and people comment if they want; Rules: - No Narcotics, any narcotics will be reported to the PLPD as we are a reputable thread - No Explosives, any explosives will be reported to the PLPD...
  24. McYeke

    RR on a few props due to some incompetent fools

    Your in-game name: Owen Platypus Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42955370 What do you need refunded: x1 Stove x1 Metal Shelf x3 Paper Towels x1 Warning Barrel x1 Market Table Why do you want your item(s) refunded: 2 imbeciles thought it would be a great idea to Molotov my business and set it...
  25. McYeke

    The McYeke's Crew

    Im commending these following people as without them McYeke's would be a boring 1 man joint with little RP however these lads improved the RP flow with coming up with new ideas to improve how we operate. @GraveDinosaur - Security Guard (Managed to save us twice) @Moti From The Schuna - Our...
  26. McYeke

    Perpheads airsoft meet up?

    NOT ME! come up north!
  27. McYeke


    ADVERTISEMENT: We are looking for a Graphics Designer to create a McYeke's Logo!
  28. McYeke


    Welcome our newest employee @Tom Hill
  29. McYeke


    Got the kids? Hungry like the wolf? or got a massive patrol car full of hungry officers? Now you can head on down to what used to be McUwes and visit McYeke's Updated menu:
  30. McYeke

    @SlayerDuck SlayerCuck

    He still is a nazi "Seig Heil" However baggers is a sound lad even though when on duty he gets very tense and annoying to work with as he screams every 3 seconds but other than his minging side, he does everything to my knowledge within the rules and aims to please by making everyone's...