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  1. Make taser cause person to drop item

    Then the person would make an IA since it's clearly against the policy with not really any sort of justification of using it in a shootout. It's their own responsibility to make sure they have a gun I guess so there shouldn't be a reason why they are using a taser let alone with the stupidity of...

    well. it's not even dusty or dirty so fuck you
  3. Change farm dirt road

    you're going to get your car dirty anyways on muddy roads? he is talking about a bend. not getting cars dirty. that's normal on dirt roads lol?
  4. SCP: Secret Laboratory

    I only have two "proper" videos (me being betrayed by scientists and me killing Taylor after seeing them through a wall as a SCP) here but I believe @jjjackier, aqua and @Creepis may have some too of when we played a while back...
  5. SCP: Secret Laboratory

    @jjjackier would tag aquaa too but can't for some reason, assume he is banned or some crap lol. they had a server ran and quite a lot of people played, it was pretty jokes. Pretty sure they were going to do it again but not sure what happened to that idea
  6. Police Suggestion Patrol Armoury rework

    @Jimmy Jackson well, from what has been said by others is that they aren't beneficial for the police because of the slow reloading times but guess they gave in and decided to do it anyways if it does ever get added
  7. Police Suggestion Patrol Armoury rework

  8. Police Suggestion Patrol Armoury rework

    Revolvers most likely won't ever be added from what I've heard from others all because not only do their take too long to reload but they aren't as easy to use compared to other guns which are more simple. Revolvers have been suggested multiple times and its usually the same reason.
  9. Best browser?

    Opera GX is pretty good.
  10. happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  11. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    @rogue still a bad driver and should get license removed
  12. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    @rogue for some of it yes. you kept muting, unmuting to speak then muting again haha
  13. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    guess you never cut it out callum lmao @The HitMan
  14. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

  15. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    you were one of the main problems. you were nearly as worse as aqua. you cut many people off smh.
  16. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    @Aquaa BRUH YOU GONNA MAKE ME GET SHADOWPLAY OF YOU CUTTING OFF ALL OF US AND MAKING ME CRASH. BRUH ON GAWD especially me. pretty sure you made me crash and wreck my truck ye twat nvm I never recorded it. imma find it in the video above @Aquaa
  17. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    Yeah @Aquaa was trying to pretty much kill everyone especially @ICEKILLER_99
  18. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    The amount of times we stopped haha
  19. Car bomb DNA glitch

    But still there shouldn't be dna right?
  20. Car bomb DNA glitch

    I assume so but even if they didn't, they both died and if a car exploded wouldn't both bodies be literally be not able to even be identified let along get DNA of who did it? Wouldn't the bodies literally be blown to nothing
  21. Car bomb DNA glitch

    Type of bug: Content? Description of the bug: Being able to get DNA from passengers who were in a car at the time of a car bomb. How to reproduce the bug: 1. Get a car and get a passenger and a driver 2. Get someone to put a carbomb on it 3. Start the engine and then get an Officer or medic...
  22. PLPD - Patrol

    yeah, Samuel just said they removed it as it retarded for cops.
  23. PLPD - Patrol

    @A1L I saw one of Jordan's old videos of when he was chief and he had a revolver against a suspect so that's why I thought they have them
  24. PLPD - Patrol

    Did they remove it because I swear they used to get revolvers then
  25. PLPD - Patrol

    pretty sure chiefs get revolvers anyways... so
  26. curak's Crafting!

    If you need items and can't be asked to craft, join the discord and make a ticket!
  27. SCP Game

    If a server was to be set up again, would you guys still be interested in playing it? @Aquaa @jjjackier and whoever else played it back then. Game below for anyone who has never heard of it
  28. happy birthday

    happy birthday
  29. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    @Jay_ bruh how you gonna walk tf
  30. Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy #3

    Callum voted for Sunday so if it can be changed to that then atleast he can come but its whether others can or can't come on sunday