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  1. berreta m9

    Your in-game name: Josef Park Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5442038 What do you need refunded: 1x Unloaded Berreta M9 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: stupid mass rdmer Evidence: @SpaceShots
  2. Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    make it so if you get to the highest level, you get speed 100 and jump 100 with 20,000 health!
  3. shut up jimmy

    shut up jimmy
  4. debatable

  5. What

  6. would you rather jump off a bridge or drown yourself

    would you rather jump off a bridge or drown yourself
  7. "Storm area 51, they can't stop us all!"

    jesus christ
  8. Change Map to RP_TrueNorth

    inb4 v5 will have a roundabout and rogue will be happy *finally*
  9. Inactive

  10. Inactive

    I assume you only hate the staff member who banned you k
  11. Inactive

    he has an interest in roundabouts
  12. GiveAway!!!

  13. GiveAway!!!

    shooting up a school be like
  14. my steam is broken, help pls

    okay nvm, i followed this and it was some web cache or something so if anyone else has this problem. here you go
  15. my steam is broken, help pls

    yes I've restarted it
  16. my steam is broken, help pls

    recently, my steam seems to have turned into a retarded broken application and I wondered if anyone else have experience this issue and if there is a way to fix this. (before anyone says, it's not because of the skin I use, I literally changed that about 5mins ago but it is the same for both...
  17. 4/10?

  18. bye for 3 days :(

  19. bye for 3 days :(

  20. bye for 3 days :(

    why so toxic ethan wtf
  21. Give cops ars or something better than a pistol

    This is the stupidest suggestion, climb the ranks and become TFU. There is no way this would be accepted so every officer has access to a heavier weapon which is meant for the Tactical Firearms Division, this would render TFU pointless and the points you have made are stupid.
  22. birfday give

  23. [IMG] fake bread btw

    fake bread btw
  24. Update Log - 31/05/2019

    B is the default bind for fortnite dance wheel.
  25. GTA V singleplayer mods

    Make sure you are using the latest files of Ragehook and LCPDFR, maybe try using the automatic install for LCPDFR. @Inchs
  26. Uber App

  27. Discord nitro giveaway

    @Samuel and @Brinch is corrupt. cool
  28. what the point of the ticket

    last time i checked, it's usually the people who die to tfu or cops who moan about tfu being overpowered, not tfu moaning about being under powered omegalul
  29. 43 Seconds well spent

  30. Perpheads Resistance Force - Arma 3 Anstistasi Campaign

    We are playing now once Madda has updated his Arma 3.