Search results

  1. Liambo


    dia duit
  2. Liambo

    Hap bird day mr snusmus

    Hap bird day mr snusmus
  3. Liambo

    Can you guys just send some of your clips here?

    Hmmm mm, fair point. Thank you for your wisdom CLARKY
  4. Liambo

    Can you guys just send some of your clips here?

    raids, fucking about, dancing, pointing guns. that type of stuff
  5. Liambo

    Can you guys just send some of your clips here?

    I need them for like 2 miliseconds in a edit but I dont want to just use my clips, i want to use other peoples yk?
  6. Liambo

    :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop...

    :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :nailbiting: :nailbiting: :nailbiting: :nailbiting: :cat::cat::cat::cat::cat:
  7. Liambo

    guess what

    guess what
  8. Liambo

    :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman...

    :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman:
  9. Liambo

    :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman...

    :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman: :spiderman:
  10. Liambo

    Radoslav Stoyanov

    2 of the biggest cop mains didnt like that
  11. Liambo

    Holy yeezus the lag is horrible (frame wise)

    ill check when im back on
  12. Liambo

    Radoslav Stoyanov

    Rado uses elevated defence, also cop main -1
  13. Liambo

    Server Suggestion Search corpses for life alerts

    Yeah, or make life alerts single use or something, really anoying how you can just use them infineity, like if you want to use it, keep buying it. also it would make sense that you already used it up when you die.
  14. Liambo

    Holy yeezus the lag is horrible (frame wise)

    Bro, I try R_shadows 0, r_3dsky box but nothing works, does anyone have any Gmod settings, commands or ANYTHING to make my game stop running at 3 FPS at bazaar or anywhere for that matter.
  15. Liambo

    PERPHEADS | Sunshine montage :)

    This is good :) (Mine will be better though) (jk)
  16. Liambo

    Best weapons to use in pvp and their crafting level

    No it's shit, just use M4A1 over it
  17. Liambo

    bruh what da flip happened :jawdrop:

    bruh what da flip happened :jawdrop:
  18. Liambo

    I need YOUR opinion on something

    Yes, 100% but it might be abit annoying for 10k, maybe 5k but id still buy
  19. Liambo

    Police Suggestion Police Clothing

    its a joke lil bro, it is a good idea no joke
  20. Liambo

    Police Suggestion Police Clothing

    Best idea this annoying fuck has ever came up with (jk)
  21. Liambo

    Hap bird day :spiderman:

    Hap bird day :spiderman:
  22. Liambo

    Server Suggestion All ranges for all guns (blaze it shooting range)

    Suggestion Title: All ranges for all guns Suggestion Description: Add all the ranges for all the guns in the range. Why should this be added?: - Makes it so you don't either need to use a Rifle at a city's length or at point blank, or a sniper rifle at mid range (I'm looking at you AS50) What...
  23. Liambo

    Biggest bazaarian ever, congrats!

    Biggest bazaarian ever, congrats!
  24. Liambo


  25. Liambo


    Very nice mr rothchild :spiderman:
  26. Liambo

    Juan Bonita

  27. Liambo

    Happy boirgday :spiderman:

    Happy boirgday :spiderman:
  28. Liambo

    You would be a fucking warlock main (Im joking, Im a hunter main)

    You would be a fucking warlock main (Im joking, Im a hunter main)
  29. Liambo


    Hello my friend :spiderman: