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  1. GhostFanta

    Applications for upcoming Action Series!

    In a long time i have been thinking about making a deep serious movie/series with the Perp Gamemode, I'm gonna need some people to help make this happen. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  2. GhostFanta

    No internet...

    So our Internet company closed our Internet today cause of an old bill, wich we didn't know about. This means I have no idea when we get Internet again. We're going to the store to check up for new Internet and hopefully it won't be too long!
  3. GhostFanta

    I am back

    As some of you already may know, I am back for more action on the server. I've really missed you guys and I hope to see the same kind of action as before. Sadly for me, most of the players I knew, Is not playing Perp anymore. I hope they return as I did, one day. :D
  4. GhostFanta


    Finally i Got my chance to write here. The reason I haven't been online these days (month) is, we have no Internet. I have no idea when we get Internet back, and we are going to move to a new house in for the next 3 months. So as said. I have no idea when we get Internet. - GhostFanta
  5. GhostFanta

    I'm back again!

    I am back from cold Austria skiing! :) Hope all of you payed enough attention while i was gone! :P
  6. GhostFanta

    Won't be online for a week

    As the title says, i won't be online for a week cause i am going on a vacation. I will log off my Computer in about 2-3 hours. So if you wan't to talk to me it's now. :)
  7. GhostFanta

    The new update.

    I like the most stuff in the new update, BUT. The text from chat's "OOC/LOOC/Ingame chat" is the smalles words i have seen in long time, sometimes i can't even read it without leaning my head towards my screen, tried to take my resolution down to 800x600 pixels, didn't work. Here's a picture of...
  8. GhostFanta

    The reason i haven't been online so much

    The reason i haven't been online is that i think the Gamemode Perp is getting kind of booring on the same map, i have been playing Perp for about 3 and a half year in overall.. I am really excited about the new map Paralake coming, so that's mostly the reason i am not online, and i think it's...
  9. GhostFanta

    That's not something you see every day!
  10. GhostFanta

    Selling stuff with taxes.

    I had this weird idea in my head, when you sell stuff in a shop, you need to make the price bigger yourself cause of the sale taxes. So i thought, what if sale taxes would do like this "Puts gun for sale *2000$* and then if taxes were 5%. It would automaticly go up to the price the taxes affect...
  11. GhostFanta

    Night n day cycle

    I miss the old system when it we're getting dark in the game. I know there is a night and day system already. But it only makes the road darker, not the sky :)
  12. GhostFanta

    Lights and underglow.

    I would like the old fashioned way you walked up to the cardealer. I want some lights/underglow on my car, and then you just changed you're color of the lights/underglow ^^
  13. GhostFanta

    What about my post's?

    What about my "Admin Application" and my idea about headlights and underglow + night system, everything is just "Gone"?