Search results

  1. alden

    goodbye ig?

    hello people of perpheads i was really unsure whether or not to make a goodbye message but fuck it why not if you haven't figured out so far i'm leaving the server, im not sure for how long, im not sure if i will even return, i might hop once in like 2-3 months, but still small chances, i won't...
  2. alden

    Random question

    seeing how most people play crim, if you couldn't play crim, what would u rather be, a cop main or a shopkeeper, honestly interested to see what people say, vote down below
  3. alden

    Headphone help is required!

    Hello all. So I use those wired headphones you'd use for a phone on my PC, and they work perfectly fine. I had a problem around 4 months ago, whenever they would plug out of the jack, after plugging them in I would have to restart my computer in order for them to work. I've fixed that problem, a...
  4. alden

    Refund Request (alden)

    Your Steam Name: alden Your Roleplay Name: Alden Brooks Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143427005 Reason for Request: I lost 2 advanced planter boxes because of a player breaking 2.5 and threw a molotov into my apartment, which ended up burning said planters. Requested Items: Evidence Type...
  5. alden

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    Suggestion Topic: 5.3 Raiding Suggestion Description: Limit the amount of frag grenades used in a raid to like 2 or 3, discuss the number Why should this be added?: - Abuse of too many frags - Unrealistic, no way in a "simple" house break in anyone would have more than 2 grenades, - I...
  6. alden

    Action Request (^Eth^)

    Your Steam Name: alden Your Roleplay Name: Alden Brooks Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143427005 Player's Steam Name: ^Eth^ Player's Roleplay Name: Ethan Demuri Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197593512 Why should this player be punished?: This morning, 20th of August, at 11:10AM Central European...
  7. alden


    I'd like to recommend Hodgparjoj, as he was the first helper to answer to my help & support F6. That isn't it. He constantly helps and answers to /help or F6s, he really knows how to explain stuff well and make it easy to understand, as someone who started playing serious rp on gmod for the...
  8. alden


    Hello everyone, my name is Alden (OOC) and so is IC, Alden Brooks to be more specific. I've joined the server today and I've found great fun, and I haven't even explored it a little bit! Only thing I've been doing was grinding money as a courier, the community is very welcoming and I hope to...