Search results

  1. SomeUser

    Police Suggestion dispose of car bombs that are on cars

    Suggestion Title: dispose of car bombs that are on cars Suggestion Description: So we had a situation today where someone was planting a car bomb on someone's car, we tried C2'ing it and nothing so we had to do a controlled explosion using a civ as what amounts to a human shield as it where, so...
  2. SomeUser

    Action Request (German Spy - simonbaumard15)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: German Spy - simonbaumard15 Player's Roleplay Name: Jack Spades - Jeff Cheff Player's SteamID: Unknown Why should this player be punished?: So im putting two players in...
  3. SomeUser

    Action Request (NoHailMary)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: NoHailMary Player's Roleplay Name: Baz Ravish Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125327472 Why should this player be punished?: Player in question after killing a cop at regals...
  4. SomeUser

    Action Request (benosama)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: benosama Player's Roleplay Name: osama keethrow Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524737190 Why should this player be punished?: I think this person was metagaming with his...
  5. SomeUser

    Action Request (sirsmokealot)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: sirsmokealot Player's Roleplay Name: James Bono Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169012702 Why should this player be punished?: The person in question broke 2.5, 3.4 over jail and...
  6. SomeUser

    Action Request (Plaw)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Plaw Player's Roleplay Name: Mustafa Booma Player's SteamID: Unknown Why should this player be punished?: The person in question while being GP'ed by two people with...
  7. SomeUser

    Red Sun - Perpheads Montage

    So I had a bunch of clips from my hard drive, so I put them together months ago, only just got around to finishing this so I can save space, But hope people like it!
  8. SomeUser

    Model Suggestion TFU glowstick

    Suggestion Title: TFU glowstick Suggestion Description: So I had a bit of a thought so during a bunch of situations, I feel like officers go blindly into houses constantly and they go into the same houses and find that there's nothing there and you tell them and they just ignore you and...
  9. SomeUser

    Action Request (Meeladeenoveech)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Meeladeenoveech Player's Roleplay Name: Majija Miladinovic Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:223360147 Why should this player be punished?: Failed to adhear to 3.4 not putting...
  10. SomeUser

    Skin showcase

    So I have had a lot of skins made based on different weapons from mainly destiny and halo ATM but I just want to show some skins that the community have made for myself at the very least, so I wanted to make like a little thread of the skins I have had made, who made them and what they are based...
  11. SomeUser

    Action Request (not sure)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Savannah Piper Player's Roleplay Name: Savannah Piper Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:216433802 Why should this player be punished?: Responded to a situation as TFU where a certain...
  12. SomeUser

    Skin support

    So I have a bit issue lately with a skin of mine that I have Now I had a few skins for a while and I was on x32 branch to make it work, I recently changed back to the x64 branch to make my new MP5 skin work. So now I have a M16 skin that shows up even when its not supposed to, and if I change...
  13. SomeUser

    Action Request (Dawn)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Dawn Player's Roleplay Name: Ivy Teller Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:439410700 Why should this player be punished?: So during a situation I downed there friend, he died on...
  14. SomeUser

    Action Request (Sky)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Sky Player's Roleplay Name: Margret Teller Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:57791259 Why should this player be punished?: The guys / his org raided or started shooting cops for no...
  15. SomeUser

    Wanting a skin made

    Sorry for the random thread but I want too get another gun skin made would anyone be able too do that in particular (the normal people I ask probs hate me more then they normally do lmao) and what would the price be? Theres a specific thing I want on there and I tried too do it myself but I'm...
  16. SomeUser

    Things that piss you off about games

    So as the title implies this thread it too air out anything shitty about games that you like / don't like, be that mechanics to UI anything really. My big one is Update Requires Restart in cod you see that and you just want to smash your head in a door, another could be something like paying...
  17. SomeUser

    Server Suggestion Dispatch mute button

    Suggestion Title: Dispatch mute button Suggestion Description: So I been in a bunch of situations where dispatchers have been talked over and honestly its getting annoying so what i want too suggest is a radio mute button, as with dispatch be unpopular as it is, trying to get more people onto...
  18. SomeUser

    Action Request (Dick Cheney)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Dick Cheney Player's Roleplay Name: Conner Gehppinger Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95557436 Why should this player be punished?: Player broke rule too putting his life at risk, For...
  19. SomeUser

    Refund Request (SomeUser)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Reason for Request: Lost my weapon because someone broke 3.4 authorised by [-Core-] Daan Requested Items: Remi sniper with acog and suppresser 51mm on it Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff...
  20. SomeUser

    Used too the darkness - Perp montage

    Hope you like as I was complaining too megasaw and peeps about how audio is aids
  21. SomeUser

    Action Request (Liam)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser456 Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Liam Player's Roleplay Name: Ferd Riley Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:452766190 Why should this player be punished?: The player in question got told too leave slums as I...
  22. SomeUser

    The "im a dumbass" shitpost montage

    I got bored, but because medal is a POS I could not find my old clips without searching for over 4 hours trying too find them Just a couple of clip that I found funny hope you do too Some clips include Anthony being a minion A group call with old work colleges Me trying too be solid snake And...
  23. SomeUser

    Action Request (Ronnnie)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser456 Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Ronnnie Player's Roleplay Name: Ronnie Murphy Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:177547090 Why should this player be punished?: The user in question broke character, after...
  24. SomeUser

    PLPD Online Suggestion Search function

    Suggestion Title: Search function Suggestion Description: Put a search function so I can find taser apps easier so I can give feedback in game Why should this be added?: - easier for trainers too look at apps What negatives could this have?: - Just dev time What problem would this...
  25. SomeUser

    Event (Duck hunt 2) Clip and thanks

    Hi everyone Thanks for participating in the event tonight hope people enjoyed it, I have paid out the prize winners dave roos and sorle however I will be back with another event soon (unless I get sent too the shadow realm for enabling staff too massRDM) all joking aside as well I want too...
  26. SomeUser

    Event winners and questions.

    Hi there Thanks for participating in my event tonight, just for a bit of fun, while I admit it was rocky at first I'm glad people enjoyed it (Or I hope people enjoyed it) The 6 event winners are as follows ----------------------------------...
  27. SomeUser

    Bug Report (PD rank dictating if you can be demoted)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: PD rank dictating if you can be demoted How to reproduce the Bug: Be a higher rank then the person trying too demote you and you cannot demote demote them as put in the image below, Acer is the same rank as me on PD and if acer broke a law I...
  28. SomeUser

    Action Request (Franko)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser456 Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Franko Player's Roleplay Name: Fakhir Nasir Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:123987305 Why should this player be punished?: Breaking 3.4 when raiding a base, While on a call with...
  29. SomeUser

    Refund Request (SomeUser456)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser456 Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Reason for Request: some guy broke 3.4 phoondos took my request and warned the guy he said make a RR with this image Requested Items: 1 - M14 with full mag - Microdot - Comp Evidence...
  30. SomeUser

    Older games on emulaters

    So i been playing Pokémon silver from a cartridge on my phone now that makes me think if there anyone else that's been playing any other older games on emulators and if so what games and how do you play them?