Search results

  1. Roj

    Making PLFM a thing again?

    Herro gois, After thinking and doing some maths, I am actually thinking about starting ParalakeFM again, but in a new way, Having a layer of people to run the Administrative parts instead of me alone, and different dj's, with their own shows, ingame events etc what do u guys think?
  2. Roj

    ParalakeFM - DJ Applications

    ParalakeFM DJ Applications Hi There, We are happy to inform you that the DJ applications will be open and will stay open until the 1st of January 2017! Link to apply: Good luck! ParalakeFM DJ...
  3. Roj

    ParalakeFM - The Return

    ParalakeFM - The Return Hello everyone! I am happy to say that ParalakeFM is officially turning back to PERPHeads! With that some new features and also a new DJ Management. Together with @Jon Godinn and @HolyShititsDannyD we made sure ParalakeFM Would come back at least 10 times better than...
  4. Roj

    Undercover Policing

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Undercover Policing Full description of the idea: The whole idea is to set up a non-uniformed division within Paralake. That means that they will wear everyday clothing and will try to their best ability to...
  5. Roj

    Road Rules Driving School

    Road Rules Driving School What do we do? We are a certified driving school that teaches people how to drive safe, we also provide theory exams and have certified teachers. The Road Rules Driving school is driving with alot of different vehicles and will always be that way. We teach people the...
  6. Roj

    Chris Andrews

    Since i came back i saw that Chris Andrews Roleplays alot as Cop and as Medic, His passiveRP i have seen today blew my mind and i thought lets make this. ;d @Chris Keep up the good work yo.
  7. Roj

    Do NOT Go to The Netherlands

    @Mikey @otherdutch
  8. Roj

    Action Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Roj / Danny McGarrett His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Carrot / Matthew Collins His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:103922428 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User thought it was smart to shoot a dead body as cop while me dragging it, therefor this user broke 2.1 / 4.1 Evidence...
  9. Roj


  10. Roj

    The Mayor + Firework

  11. Roj

    Refund Request

    Your in-game name: Danny McGarrett Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59384745 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Action Request Accepted due, lost the gun due to a rulebreaker SG550 Evidence: Tick: n/a
  12. Roj

    Action Request - Resolved

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Roj / Danny McGarrett His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Wolfjie / Harry Gilbert His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59839910 Why Should This Player Be Punished: The person thought it was a smart idea to make a Headglitch with unsupported barricades. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: n/a
  13. Roj

    Rochester Family

    Rochester Family History When The Saints stopped by Robin Sen the Elite Member from the Saints tought; 'We just started, now already closing.. we want to go forward! Lets start The Saints with a new leader, New ranks, New People and new rules!'. So we did, Since Sunday 11 May 2014 the...
  14. Roj


    Well Hello there. Im Roj, Im (Kindda) new to perpheads ( Forum ). In-Game you can see me as Roy Cooper. I played Perpheads before, But then the update came out and i quitted. For now im back in Server & Also active on the forums. Questions? PM :)