Search results

  1. Kali

    Bug Report (automatic unstuck)

    Type of Bug: Map Description of the Bug: automatic unstuck How to reproduce the Bug: Was killed due to bug - "automatic unstuck" mechanism seems to have issues if movement detected due to situations like this Time Stamp: not my clip Errors: not my clip Media...
  2. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: a cop tiered my car for no reason! Requested Items: 1x tesla T2 repair Evidence Type: Police Complaint Complaint Reference: 040242-AKZAR-25
  3. Kali

    Refund Request (Choklad Tomte)

    Your Steam Name: Choklad Tomte Your Roleplay Name: Ronald Coxk Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:597462558 Reason for Request: tvs behind barricades made for choklad hes forum banned Requested Items: 1x hk45ct 1x hk45ct mag 1x pistol reflex Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...
  4. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: tvs behind barricades Requested Items: 1x mini uzi 1x mini uzi mag 1x pistol reflex Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @SadBoy
  5. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: Sweater minging my gun Requested Items: 1x as50 1x as50 mag 1x acog sight Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @daan
  6. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: Mrdm Requested Items: 1x HKMP5K 1x pistol reflex sight 1x supressor Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @captain
  7. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: Some guy popped my tires for no reason Requested Items: 1x tire repair price for tesla model S Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @captain
  8. Kali

    Server Suggestion Auto fill in persons name when reporting rdm

    Suggestion Title: Auto fill in persons name when reporting rdm Suggestion Description: Whenever you get rdmed auto fill in the person who killed you name Why should this be added?: - saves handlers time also saves player time What negatives could this have?: - dev time abusing the feature...
  9. Kali

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Player's Steam Name: idk Player's Roleplay Name: saclo saclovic Player's SteamID: idk Why should this player be punished?: User slashed my tires after we had a car crash on cornfield road we had a...
  10. Kali

    Action Request (Cookielord)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Player's Steam Name: Cookielord Player's Roleplay Name: idk Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127851296 Why should this player be punished?: Individual drove in the incorrect lane of travel as a ss...
  11. Kali

    Police Suggestion Reduce TFOs movement speed in heavy

    Suggestion Title: Reduce TFOs movement speed in heavy Suggestion Description: With the recent tfu update nearly everyone has tfu which gives crims a MAJOR disadvantage if we reduce heavy tfu movement speed it may balance pvp a tiny bit more. Civilians have no armour TFOs in heavy have complete...
  12. Kali

    Server Suggestion joining jobs when growing christmas trees

    Suggestion Title: joining jobs when growing christmas trees Suggestion Description: As of now if you have a planter placed it stops you from going on duty on any job its not illegal to grow christmas trees so i think they should change it to the type of plant you grow so you can go on duty...
  13. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: i lost my firearm due to a sweater blocking me into an illegal barricade at gp Item ID: 182913252 Requested Items: 1x SW Model 500 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member...
  14. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: i lost my firearm to an individual who attempted a mugging whilst i was holding my firearm. They have been punished Requested Items: 1x hk45ct 1x pistol reflex 1x hk45ct mag...
  15. Kali

    Model Suggestion Allow sights on revolvers

    Suggestion Title: Allow sights on revolvers Suggestion Description: make revolvers be able to attach micro dot or holo compact sight Why should this be added?: - Just kind of cool What negatives could this have?: - dev time 1 revolver sniper What problem would this suggestion solve...
  16. Kali

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Player's Steam Name: Gagon Player's Roleplay Name: Ling Chew Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:432069125 Why should this player be punished?: User gunpointed me at drug dealer whilst i had a firearm out causing a...
  17. Kali

    Server Suggestion Tooter V2

    Suggestion Title: Tooter V2 Suggestion Description: So basically tooter is dead but me i still use it on a daily basis because i like it for some reason i feel that we should have maybe a photo and even video system and more overall features to tooter because as of now you can basically just...
  18. Kali

    Action Request (ilPtrni)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Player's Steam Name: ilPtrni Player's Roleplay Name: Patron Patronini Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26618384 Super_ 23:08 Why should this player be punished?: individual attempted to gun point me when...
  19. Kali

    perpheads montage

    song was already used last montage until i cop main most likely also forgot to say: Im not :penguin:
  20. Kali

    Blacklist Apology (ezza)

    Punishment Type: Blacklist Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Ezza How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Less than 1 Day Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Why were you punished?: 1.4 Why should...
  21. Kali


  22. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: I lost my gun to an illegal defense that directed movement Requested Items: 1x FN Scar L 1x Red Dot Sight 1x Rifle Compensator Evidence Type: Action Request Evidence Link...
  23. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: An officer shot me even when i announced myself and was unarmed Requested Items: 1x AK101 1x Red Dot Sight 1x Rifle Compensator Evidence Type: Police Complaint Complaint...
  24. Kali

    Action Request (idk)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Player's Steam Name: idk Player's Roleplay Name: Blaze Kushner Player's SteamID: idk Why should this player be punished?: Individual pulled a gun under gunpoint resulting in his death and the...
  25. Kali

    Action Request (??)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Player's Steam Name: ?? Player's Roleplay Name: ???? Player's SteamID: ??? Why should this player be punished?: Individual built an illegal base defense using 3 small wooden fences and 3 concrete...
  26. Kali

    Little blonde

  27. Kali


    fokus aka radoslav has been very helpful this past week and has assisted me via f6 and /help he has also really helped me in the PLPD and overall is a great staff member
  28. Kali

    No diddy

    I lost a bet :penguin:
  29. Kali

    Map Suggestion Working bowling and bowling alley

    Suggestion Title: Working bowling and bowling alley Suggestion Description: As of now there is only really a couple of things to do in perp - Base - Raid - Join a job - craft - chill at bazaar - drive around So i feel that if the devs introduced things like bowling maybe darts or something...
  30. Kali

    Refund Request (Kali)

    Your Steam Name: Kali Your Roleplay Name: Mason Helms Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:755843759 Reason for Request: I lost a gun to a illegal base Requested Items: 1x SW500 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Mallard