Search results

  1. Kugen

    Edwarldo's Puffer Mart

    Shout out to @EDWARLDO for being someone that actively uses puffer mart as a shop. He stocks and displays it amazingly!
  2. Kugen

    Action Request (IrishGator49)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: IrishGator49 Player's Roleplay Name: Stanley Castle Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:169903123 Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 Rulebreak Player called me over phone 911. Led me...
  3. Kugen

    Action Request (Waffleman :D)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: Waffleman :D Player's Roleplay Name: Jon Handcock Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:108765001 Why should this player be punished?: Broke 3.4: "Disobeying reasonable orders under the...
  4. Kugen

    Action Request (ImThe_diddler10)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: ImThe_diddler10 Player's Roleplay Name: Johnnie Sweeney Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:206878277 Why should this player be punished?: 2.5 & 3.4: The player punched an idle player...
  5. Kugen

    Action Request (duaozdemir28, zerohay_)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: duaozdemir28, zerohay_ Player's Roleplay Name: Vittorio Vallelonga, Amanda Vallelonga Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:559838872, STEAM_0:1:643610372 Why should this player be...
  6. Kugen

    Introducing Kugen

    Hello, My name is Kugen also known as Kugen Porter I’ve been on and off with the server since 2023 but have been playing on the server more actively now. Been playing gmod since 2016 with a grand total of 11k hours in the game (not proud of it, just I just have an addiction) . I work EMS full...
  7. Kugen

    So much death

    All dead cops
  8. Kugen

    PD Raid Jumpscare (Ft Ava & Wayne Grant)
  9. Kugen

    Refund Request (Kugen)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Reason for Request: Lost my weapon due to RDM Requested Items: 1x Colt Anaconda Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @SadBoy
  10. Kugen

    Action Request (Mankey)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: Mankey Player's Roleplay Name: Oswald Mcfarland Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:194700613 Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 rule break "Disobeying reasonable orders under the threat...
  11. Kugen

    Action Request (Siebe, AWasteOfTime, Minion Floyd)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: Siebe (Person that was pulled over) , AWasteOfTime (Person that ran me over) , Minion Floyd (Person that shot me) Player's Roleplay Name: James Cage (Siebe) | Unable to get the other...
  12. Kugen

    Action Request (omar.alfar2010 | ju87_D3)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: omar.alfar2010 | ju87_D3 Player's Roleplay Name: Shady Fathalla | Bogdanchik Droyd Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:764423667 | STEAM_0:0:530214735 Why should this player be...
  13. Kugen

    Action Request (Unlimited)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: Unlimited Player's Roleplay Name: Earl Gudson Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139575500 Why should this player be punished?: 3.4 Rule Break "Loitering around the vicinity of a...
  14. Kugen

    Action Request (PoopDealer)

    Your Steam Name: Kugen Your Roleplay Name: Kugen Porter Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:53710482 Player's Steam Name: PoopDealer Player's Roleplay Name: Ben Penjamin Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:151256824 Why should this player be punished?: Breaking 3.4 "Loitering around the vicinity of a shootout you...
  15. Kugen

    Police Suggestion Allow senior officers to remove stolen vehicle remark

    Suggestion Title: Stolen Vehicles Suggestion Description: Most time Officers and Senior Officers are unable to remove Vehicles that have been stolen and need to be marked as no longer stolen in the F3 due to no CPL+ on duty. My suggestion is that all officer can remove vehicles marked as...