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  1. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    The soviet brotherhood applications

    You must be willing to fight for communism: You must never retreat and must be ready to sacrifice yourself to the soviet union: ic: name: Phone: Car: are you soviet: Are you Russian ( Don't worry if your character isn't ): Why do you want to join: OOC: Steam name: Forum name: Do you agree there...
  2. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    The Soviet Brotherhood

    THE SOVIET BROTHERHOOD Urahh The Backstory misha Gopachev an ex soviet born in moskau and raised a true communist life in the depths of Russia were he learned to love his leaders. But once the USSR collapsed Misha was sad for all he wanted to live for ended. He moved to america with the soviet...
  3. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Your favorite vehicles in Gta 5 online

    Ok so as the title says just post your favorite vehicles fell free to post any vehicle from jets to motorbike that you 'own' ill start with my 4 most favorite ones Savage hydra Valkyrie And last but not least the Kuruma
  4. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Bolli the Fisherman

    I was walking in Riften when i spot Bolli who apparently is a fisherman
  5. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx


    Right So as many people know i made an enforcer application and it was denied but I'm trying to work towards The things i was -supported for so if you should give me some tips on how to improve On the points you guys made
  6. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    UFO Sighted

    If you Cant see it as its not very clear there are red and blue flashing lights in the sky HL3 Confirmed?
  7. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx


    He is Really Fun To play With and Is an outstanding Law enforcement officer I was Patroling with him earlier as speed enforcement and His performance was outstanding
  8. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Whats Your Ambition In Life

    Just Wright Down What You want to do or be in the Future I Hope To be a Helicopter pilot of some sort
  9. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Company of Hereos 2

    Ive Posted this thread As I want to Challenge my Self in a game Called Company of hereos 2 and Play against High level AI If there are any Coh2 players Out There In the comunity Please Contact me via steam Im Looking For Some people Who i can comunicate with And Have some fun with
  10. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Reverse Name Thread

    In this thread I Will Be Applying The first Letter Of someone forum Name and Putting it at The Back and the back letter Goes to the front Chrissy - Yhrissc Swiper The Fox - Fwiper The Sox Ayjay - yyjaa Hung Chow - Cung hhow Trande - Erandt Thesse Are the Ones i decided to do
  11. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Dead Body Problems

    I Have a problem Where instead of ragdolling when someone is killed It Dose a T pose instead of floping to the floor If someone has a fix Please Help me
  12. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    New Game

    I Have just got £50 from my grandad and i dont know what to do with it If people chould give me suggestions That whould be great
  13. xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx

    Just a small note

    Im not to sure if this whould be the place to put this but due to recent events that i do not wish to describe i have had to make acount changes IE make a new acount. My old Acount Name was Rommel McDonald so i kept it rather similair This was just a heads up as of what has just happened