Search results

  1. jstew


  2. jstew

    Garage Door Opener

    Topic: Garage Door Openers Short explanation (in notes): -Ability to open Garage door from the outside without having help -Being able to open the Garage door remotely from your vehicle (and closing it as well) Detailed description (why should it become added/...): In my perspective...
  3. jstew

    What Would You Do?: Being Raided Edition

    The dreaded moment comes, Your batch is halfway grown, Your excited for the money and then you hear the sounds of a lockpick. Your heart races as you reach for your gun, Locking yourself in the room with the drugs, You aim your weapon at the door and take a deep breathe, The door flies open and...
  4. jstew

    JayStew's Guide: Traffic Stop Edition

    JayStew’s Unofficial Guide For Traffic Stops (Citizen and Police) Hello everyone of the PerpHead’s community! I thought I would make this little guide to help out new players and maybe even some existing players on the server, This will be split up into sections for the Police Officer and...
  5. jstew


  6. jstew

