Search results

  1. RafaKill2012

    The Saints Application Form

    So, I see you're interested in joining The Saints... Good. I just need you to fill out some forms and send them directly to me via e-mail (Forum PM @RafaKill2012 ). You will find the document in question below...
  2. RafaKill2012

    Contributing to inactivity thread day

    Just passing by to inform the ones of you who still remember me that I'm still alive, just couldn't be active on the forums or server in the past 2 months or so because of a number of reasons, namely: The fact that my PC decided to fry it's own hard drive, making me have to spend a long time...
  3. RafaKill2012

    The Saints

    Welcome to The Saints' official page. Here you'll learn about our history and various details regarding the gang. The Saints organization was founded in August 15, 2015 by Hanz Olaf, now known as Charles Wellington, with the original purpose of gathering his friends to perform activities...
  4. RafaKill2012

    Action Request On Viktor Belinsky/EVIL

    Your Steam/In-game Name: RafaKill2012 / Rafael Ramires His/Her Steam/In-game Name: EVIL / Viktor Belinsky His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19490979 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: The player broke rule #2.1 when he shot me in the head for no apparent reason, simply pointing his gun at me after...
  5. RafaKill2012

    Hello, everyone!

    Well, first I must admit I've been a lurker for the past 2 weeks or so here on the forums, now that I got some game time and know some people, I decided to post a introduction. So, hi, I'm Rafael and I've always been into RP, in many games, ranging from GTA San Andreas multiplayer to playing in...