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  1. jxnalx


    nasty pull
  2. jxnalx

    cool bye

    Welp... This is goodbye from me, I'm known as either JxnAlx or Jeremiah Anderson IG. I started this server around August of 2016 and I instantly fell in love with the game-mode. I played off and on through the school year until this summer when I really starting hitting the 'perphead's grind'...
  3. jxnalx

    HellZone Perp in a Nutshell

  4. jxnalx

    First time experiences.

    This is a thread where you write down what happened and what you did your very first day on PerpHeads. I'll start: My very first day on perpheads I had never played on this map before, I had no idea where things were. I asked this gentlemen for a ride and a tour of the city. (Bad Idea) He did...
  5. jxnalx

    Config File

    So I just awhile ago validated integrity of game cache on steam and it said 12 files regained or whatever, but when i joined the server all my keys were fucked up, I cant do the alt run I cant do f1 for the rules and such, I cant do q for the inv. Help? never mind im an idiot i fixed it