Search results

  1. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Disable access to server broadcast chats whilst frozen.

    Suggestion Title: Disable access to server broadcast chats whilst frozen. Suggestion Description: Disable the ability to use OOC, advert, or help chat whilst frozen. Why should this be added?: - Stops people from trying to spam when frozen. What negatives could this have?: - People having...
  2. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion New cigarette box texture

    Suggestion Title: New cigarette box texture Suggestion Description: Currently the cigarette box in use for perp is from a model that isn’t custom to the server. In lieu of recent development where items that aren’t unique models are being replaced with such, I suggest the cigarette model also be...
  3. Bnjemann

    Public Service Announcement: No links randomly sent to you will give you Steam funds or Free discord nitro.

    Hello, A general public service announcement. As a Staff member it is my duty to oversee the communities actions and take action on malicious communications within this community. This extends towards the security of users on this platform and ensuring their data isn't compromised. I am no...
  4. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Self enforcing 3.21: Make NPCs react to violent crime.

    Suggestion Title: Self enforcing 3.21: Make NPCs react to violent crime. Suggestion Description: Make NPCs react to witnessing violent crime, or a downed individual in their vicinity. Currently players, both new and experienced, gloss over 3.21 entirely. Having methods of threatening NPCs with...
  5. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Black cowboy cap

    Suggestion Title: Black cowboy cap Suggestion Description: Make a black cowboy hat, colour matched to the black leather jacket. Why should this be added?: - More colour for cowboy hat. - It fits the black leather jacket. What negatives could this have?: - none What problem would this...
  6. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Reduce Taxi HP

    Suggestion Title: Reduce Taxi HP Suggestion Description: Reduce the Hit Points of all Taxis to a degree where any high speed, head on collision will wreck the car. This primarily sprung to mind as to make those reports where a taxi head-ons another car on the wrong side of the highway...
  7. Bnjemann

    Event Suggestion Bring Back Mike Myers Event!

    Suggestion Title: Bring Back Mike Myers Event! Suggestion Description: We used to have an Event where a player or several players were chosen as the Killer, whilst the rest of the players would spawn scattered around the forest. The killer would be slightly faster than players, armed with a...
  8. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion Chainsaw melee weapon.

    Suggestion Title: Chainsaw melee weapon. Suggestion Description: Adding a chainsaw melee weapon. Unlike regular melee weapons, the chainsaw should come with the following differences: - It should be a primary weapon. - It should show on your back. - It should take “Ammo” in the form of Fuel...
  9. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Adding crackhead NPCs who trade items for drugs

    Suggestion Title: Adding crackhead NPCs who trade items for drugs Suggestion Description: Adding an NPC who appears in alleyways, by bins and other out-of the way but not completely hidden locations, who will exchange random items for a set amount of specific drugs. The lore behind them is...
  10. Bnjemann

    How do I change gun sounds?

    I replaced the .wav file for the Glock 17/18c with what I feel like is a more realistic Glock firing sound yet the old sound still plays on both guns, what am I doing wrong, Modbros?
  11. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion Apple Vision Pro at Jennifer’s.

    Suggestion Title: Apple Vision Pro at Jennifer’s. Suggestion Description: Adding an Apple Vision Pro to the eyewear selection. This item should serve as the most expensive item in the eyewear category. Why should this be added?: - Most expensive eyewear flex item. - Cooler than spending...
  12. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion make more equipment craftable

    Suggestion Title: make more equipment craftable Suggestion Description: Making certain equipment items that cannot be crafted, such as cameras and binoculars something we can craft. Ideas for recipes include: Binoculars: 2x glass 1x Piece of metal 1x Hunk of Polymer Camera: 1x Piece of glass...
  13. Bnjemann

    Bug Report (Attempting to drop small xmas trees gives you an error)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Attempting to drop small xmas trees gives you an error How to reproduce the Bug: Attempting to drop small Xmas trees as items you can pick up simply results in a notification saying you have no room to spawn the item. Time Stamp: Will get...
  14. Bnjemann

    Has anyone else been banned from posting on Imgur due to PERP Signs

    Very interesting situation indeed. To TLDR This whole post I have been banned from posting on Imgur due to the automated bot picking up on violations however my imgur consists only of in game business signs.
  15. Bnjemann


    pov: @Megasaw Going thru halloween clips and figured I'd drop this one before the halloween vidya is fully edited.
  16. Bnjemann

    Culinary showdown: Baked Beans vs Spaghetti-O’s

    Real talk now fellas, Baked beans or Spaghetti-O’s. I promise I will overtly fight this battle aggressively on the side of beans.
  17. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion TV in jail.

    Suggestion Title: TV in jail. Suggestion Description: Add a TV in prison that allows anyone to change the video link to. Why should this be added?: - Jail is less tedious. - Human rights. - Funny - Streamers in jail can keep people entertained with funny vidya. What negatives could this...
  18. Bnjemann

    Who do you side with on Skyrim?

    I prefer the Stormcloaks because it logically makes sense to me. The Empire are dogs to the Thalmor. Talos is pretty based too and as a Nord player in all elder scrolls games it makes no sense that I wouldn’t worship the god of mankind because le elves said noooooooo. Also the main story has...
  19. Bnjemann

    Map Suggestion indoor parking area for office.

    Suggestion Title: indoor parking area for office. Suggestion Description: Attach an indoor parking lot to the side of office. This would give the players a private parking lot making transporting planters easier. Obviously to balance it and stop it being used as part of the base it would be...
  20. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Radio DJ Job that streams youtube videos in audio format.

    Suggestion Title: Radio DJ Job that streams youtube videos in audio format. Suggestion Description: The idea here is to utilise a youtube function to bring in a functioning radio station DJ Job to PERP, where users join the job, Name their station, and using youtube links, stream the audio from...
  21. Bnjemann

    Dumb rejected petitions on Parliament petitions website.

    There’s a treasure trove of absolutely batshit insane petitions on this website lmao. Post best ones below:
  22. Bnjemann

    Why do we tip waiters and not chefs

    Serious discussion. Why do we tip our waiters and waitresses but not the chef? The chef is cooking the fucking food as well as everyone else’s but le waiter needs that 50% for asking me what I want the chefs to cook me? Bro.
  23. Bnjemann

    Should the fish market be as regulated as other animals? (U.K mainly)

    I’ve been browsing fish lately being sold online by legal, Licensed dealers / importers / breeders. Usually dangerous animals require a license here, land based things with venom or powerful natural weapons are considered to be something the public shouldn’t access without legal procedures...
  24. Bnjemann

    Why does American TV have 2 minute adverts for medications

    Keep seeing adverts for prescription medications where there’s 30 seconds of positive info then 2 minutes if side effects being listed, most being fatal whilst happy stock footage of people doing normal people things plays. Why is This even a thing lol.
  25. Bnjemann

    Single barrelled suppressed shotgun.

    Suggestion Title: Single barrelled suppressed shotgun. Suggestion Description: Adding an integrally suppressed (built in sound suppressor) single shot shotgun based off of weapons such as the Rossi 12g integrally suppressed shotgun. Despite shotguns being often mounted with sound suppressors in...
  26. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion Wheelchair chair

    Suggestion Title: Wheelchair chair Suggestion Description: Adding a craftable / purchasable wheelchair prop so people can Roleplay as old people. We are one of the only CityRP servers I’ve ever played without one. The wheelchair should be pushable and carryable so someone can wheel someone...
  27. Bnjemann

    Map Suggestion Fire department living quarters

    Suggestion Title: Fire department living quarters Suggestion Description: Adding a room to the fire station where firemen can safely stand out of public view when awaiting a call out. This is particularly useful for situations such as slums shootouts where fire fighters can fall into the...
  28. Bnjemann

    Map Suggestion Player-owned Business sector

    Suggestion Title: Player-owned Business sector Suggestion Description: Turning the business sector into a majority player-owned area, Except for Car dealer, Casino, Gas station, Car wash, and the body shop. The 3 properties in particular could benefit entirely from relocation, Or simply being...
  29. Bnjemann

    RPG Maker thread

    Any hobbyist game dev blokes here used this tool before? I’ve watched 0 tutorial videos and I’m already figuring out half of VX:Ace. Got VX:Ace on steam sale for £5, which is nuts seeing as this includes a commercial license + it’s usually £55. My eventual goal with this is to make some...
  30. Bnjemann

    Map Suggestion Make Paralake more run down than it currently is.

    Suggestion Title: Make Paralake more run down than it currently is. Suggestion Description: Rather than most streets just being pristine clean with minimal graffiti, add more graffiti and litter in areas you would expect to be vandalised. Paralake doesn’t even have municipal workers who empty...