Search results

  1. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion Bugatti Veyron SS Carbon fibre removal / change

    Suggestion Title: Bugatti Veyron SS Carbon fibre removal / change Suggestion Description: Add some sort of bodykit that removes the ugly carbon fibre wrap from the Veyron, or change the texture of it to not look as bad as it currently does. At the moment the Veyron looks really bad. As it is...
  2. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Katana having the disarm function bats and hammers have.

    Suggestion Title: Katana having the disarm function bats and hammers have. Suggestion Description: Having the disarm ability present in Baseball bats and Hammers also apply to the katana, but with significantly less odds of successfully disarming the player than said weapons. The katana is a...
  3. Bnjemann

    Police Suggestion TFU Arsenal changes

    Suggestion Title: TFU Arsenal changes Suggestion Description: Adding the following firearms and attachments: - Mossberg 590A1 For all states of TFU Gear (Currently, the only way to get the Mossberg in heavy gear is to be a recruit, no other TFU heavy gear officers get it. The only way for...
  4. Bnjemann

    Move 11.9: Discharging a firearm to section 7

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: Change to current law. What law do you wish to change/add: 11.9: Discharging a firearm should be moved to section 7: Offensive weapons. This is to ensure that the law itself is moved into the category pertaining to offensive weapons, as...
  5. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Potions work on April Fools

    Suggestion Title: Potions work on April Fools Suggestion Description: Make Halloween potions functional on April 1st 2025. They currently have the same tomfoolery functions one would expect from an April fools day gag. Why should this be added?: - People can use their potions. - Very fun. -...
  6. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion 2 Round burst on certain HK Carbines.

    Suggestion Title: 2 Round burst on certain HK Carbines. Suggestion Description: Adding a 2 round burst fire mode to the HK UMP45 and HK G36C. Currently no firearms offered on the server have a 2 round burst fire mode. The only burst firearms are the M16A4, SG550, and all 3 MP5’s, and they...
  7. Bnjemann

    Police Suggestion Light TFU model change.

    Suggestion Title: Light TFU model change. Suggestion Description: Adding the winter long sleeved Officer model as the Permanent light gear model, With Colour difference on the jacket which matches the Heavy TFU grey-blue colour. Hat and glasses would remain unchanged. This is solely cosmetic...
  8. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion Glock 21 and Glock 22

    Suggestion Title: Glock 21 and Glock 22 Suggestion Description: Adding the Glock 21 (45 ACP) and the Glock 22 (.40SW) to PERP, with textures adapted from the existing Glock 20 and Glock 17 models. The idea here is to add 2 new handguns that would serve as alternative variants of the existing...
  9. Bnjemann

    Bug Report (Leaving during crash restore destroys the items you had down.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: Leaving during crash restore destroys the items you had down. How to reproduce the Bug: I had to close gmod whilst reconnecting following a server crash due to a screen freeze, upon doing so and reconnecting, everything I had down in my bazaar shop...
  10. Bnjemann

    Police Suggestion Dispatch functionality overhaul.

    Suggestion Title: Dispatch functionality overhaul. Suggestion Description: Add the ability for dispatchers: To tap into the bodyworn cameras on medics, officers, and firefighters: Granting a first person view from a government workers POV would make the dispatcher role more desirable, and...
  11. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion Give Paramedics and Roadcrew a beanie too

    Suggestion Title: Give Paramedics and Roadcrew a beanie too Suggestion Description: Giving medics and roadcrew workers a beanie so all the services have a winter look. Firefighters do not need it currently, as they have PPE. Other jobs are not the focus of the suggestion, if anyone wants...
  12. Bnjemann

    Nuclear nightmare Are any perpheads gamers here currently in possession of this game? It’s pretty difficult but very fun to play with a group. Could organise some group sessions if anyone’s down.
  13. Bnjemann

    Police Suggestion Police tutorial mission(s) for new officers.

    Suggestion Title: Police tutorial mission(s) for new officers. Suggestion Description: Adding a Police tutorial for first time joiners of the PD that they can opt into taking. This tutorial would teleport them to different areas in order to complete tasks on using certain equipment. The...
  14. Bnjemann

    South Carolina exotic animals ban.

    Following the near death of South Carolina resident and local asshat Jeff Leibowitz, a widely irresponsible man known for his careless keeping practices and free handling of some of the deadliest snakes in the world from his studio apartment, the city of Florence, South Carolina is considering...
  15. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Price balancing for pistol flash light.

    Suggestion Title: Price balancing for pistol flash light. Suggestion Description: Remove the need for 50% pure refined metal in the pistol flashlight, bringing its price down to $1950, instead of $3400. Currently, the pistol flashlight, despite having little usage outside of being aestetic...
  16. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion Stingball grenade (Texture included!)

    Suggestion Title: Stingball grenade (Texture included!) Suggestion Description: Adding a Stingball less lethal grenade as both a TFU item and a craftable weapon. Stingball grenades, also known as “Stingers” Are less lethal fragmentation grenades with rubber shells. They contain explosives...
  17. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Act wheel toggle that lets you open carry.

    Suggestion Title: Act wheel toggle that lets you open carry. Suggestion Description: Adding an act wheel toggle option that decides whether your pistol or concealable weapon is displayed on your person. Locations for these depending on the weapon: Pistol, Knife, hammer, cleaver, hatchet...
  18. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Simplification of long-winded metric measurements of some attachments

    Suggestion Title: Simplification of long-winded metric measurements of guns. Suggestion Description: Rather than having magazines and suppressors read out by their exact dimensions in Millimetres, have the caliber read out by its common name. There are certain calibers that guns are rarely...
  19. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Medic stab proof vest unlock + mayor policy

    Suggestion Title: Medic stab proof vest unlock + mayor policy Suggestion Description: Granting paramedics a small amount of body armour designed to protect them from light gunshots and stabbing under the following circumstances: - The mayor activates a new policy “Paramedic Protection Scheme”...
  20. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion ACOG With top mounted red dot.

    Suggestion Title: ACOG With top mounted red dot. Suggestion Description: Add an ACOG scope variation, craft-able using an ACOG, a pistol sight, and 1 refined metal 50% pure that can be crafted in order to create a highly versatile, expensive and relatively screen obstructive sight for rifles and...
  21. Bnjemann

    Tactical Firearms Unit annoucement: Open day inductory sessions.

    Tactical Firearms Unit: Open day sessions. What’s the big idea: Generally speaking becoming a Tactical Firearms Officer requires an intense knowledge and attention to detail, a skill only acquired through experience, trial and error. For many officers over the past 7 years of the existence of...
  22. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Chrysler 300C acceleration buff

    Suggestion Title: Chrysler 300C acceleration buff Suggestion Description: Buff the acceleration of the Chrysler 300C so it actually goes above 35 mph on a conventional road. Currently it takes traversing half the map in a straight line for the 300C to remotely reach its actual top speed of 48...
  23. Bnjemann

    Police Suggestion Secret Service Progression.

    Suggestion Title: Secret Service Progression. Suggestion Description: Adding Progression to the Secret Service role, Allowing players who both enjoy the secret service job and take the job seriously a reward to work towards. As a serious Roleplaying server, players are supposed to immerse...
  24. Bnjemann

    Kendal Mint Cake appreciation thread

    Mint cake gamer discussion thread. I :heart: Kendal mint cake!!!!
  25. Bnjemann

    PLPD Concept cars thread.

    Lately I’ve been tinkering with some car textures and giving them a PLPD-Style livery, To see what alternative options to existing cars, or cars for new purposes, would look like. Before viewing these cars, please note: - These are personal projects of mine, and are in no way tied with...
  26. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion Skorpion VZ.61 Machine Pistol.

    Suggestion Title: Skorpion VZ.61 Machine Pistol. Suggestion Description: Whenever weapon development comes around, Add the Skorpion VZ.61 Sub machine gun to the weapons roster. Information: The VZ.61 Skorpion is a Czech Machine pistol, chambered in .32 ACP. This is the same round as the Walther...
  27. Bnjemann

    Server Suggestion Organisation contacts.

    Suggestion Title: Organisation contacts. Suggestion Description: Allow Organizations to access allies numbers when the organisation members with edit perms add them to an “allies contacts” list on the speed dial menu. Generally, Organisation allies often don’t have direct means of communication...
  28. Bnjemann

    Model Suggestion AR15 and AR10 Buffer tube

    Suggestion Title: AR15 and AR10 Buffer tube Suggestion Description: Adding Buffer tubes to the M16, M4A1, and SR25. Rather than editing the Model to accommodate for this, which would likely require reanimation work alongside it, I’ve been told it’s entirely possible to have the Buffer tube...
  29. Bnjemann

    Favourite steak doneness

    Poll says all. Not including carpaccio or Tartare, as those are no longer steak form.
  30. Bnjemann

    Best Pot Noodle flavour 2024 edition

    Rather than bump the old thread its time we got a 2024 edition. What is THE Fucking Pot Noodle flavour?