Search results

  1. Yakuza Applications.

    In-game name: Steam name: Age: Why do you want to join?: Why should we accept your application?: Extra info: In order to join the FAMILY you need to change your facials, name and clothes do you agree with that?(You can still join the org if you say no but you cant join the family, youll be a...
  2. The Yakuza

    Yakuza are regarded as semi-legitimate organizations. The Yakuza is the name given to organized criminal gangs from Japan. The Yakuza is not a single organization but rather a collection of separate gangs or clans akin to the American Mafia. These violent criminals have left their fingerprints...
  3. Hi.

    Hi, my real name is Daniel I come from Norway, my age is 17 and im a vip :) Some of you guys know me as Lee shun-leung, and some of you probably know my steam name: [UG] Fluffy : D I've been playing for around 1-2 months now, my in game play time is 4 days, so it's about time I make a...