Search results

  1. pingu

    MiniRaze / JackHD - Recommendation

    I'd just like to take the time to recommend MiniRaze, JackHD, aka Jack Omerta, for his PLPD roleplay. Jack is an amazing Corporal, who does what is expected of him and beyond. He's very indiscriminate and helps every officer who needs it, regardless of his views or opinions on that person...
  2. pingu

    Event Suggestion Pingu's Roleplay Events

    Pingu's Roleplay Event Ideas Introduction With the recent staff update briefly discussing the possibility of events, and because there is no dedicated event team, and ultimately falls down to the staff, I decided to throw all my ideas in here. I'll continue adding to this thread once I think...
  3. pingu


    Hey, I'm not really good at these things but i'm The Standard Worker Ant. I'm a seventeen year old currently living in not so great Britain. My family originates from Ireland, and I hope to one day go back, probably once the counties are unified. I'm not new to roleplay, but I am new to PERP...
  4. pingu

    Inability to join.

    Hello, I do apologise for having to take to the forums about this issue, but i'm totally stumped. I've been trying to join PERPHeads for a while now, but it just doesn't seem to work. The problem itself is rather simple, as I join, and the rules load up, I crash. There is no error message that...