Search results

  1. Shen Yamaguchi

    Ban Apology!

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Dispute Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) Console auto ban Your Steam Name: ASDASDASD Your In-game Name: Shen Yamaguchi Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:28101939 Why were you banned?: (See: ScamBans) Cheating attempt detected Why do you feel the ban's...
  2. Shen Yamaguchi

    Feng yamaguchi

    I'll like to recommend this player, not for his stupid actions but for the good things he have done! He manage to create yamaguchi with Tony by his side, and even Established a deal with a weapon factory, which should provide the family gang with guns, and ammunition. He actuelly did quite alot...
  3. Shen Yamaguchi

    Shen says bye bye

    I think its time for me to leave the perp heads community - Can't find time to finally play after my ban... - homework, study, friends and shit So thanks for some great months, and yea i hope the communities players and admins had some fun with me if you look away for all the trash i've made...
  4. Shen Yamaguchi

    Ban request - Run from gunpoint - Shot unarmed

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Shen Yamaguchi/zeluxenn - chiyo Yamaguchi/hinge His/Her Steam/In-game Name: bob abdullah - Lewis (can't see his last name) - And all the guys who was involved in the shooting in the last end of the video! His/Her SteamID: I don't know their steamID, any help? Reason...
  5. Shen Yamaguchi

    Refund request - Shen

    Your in-game name: Shen Yamaguchi Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:28101939 Reason:I've been test driving the bugatti, and as seen in the demo, the server get a huge lag spike when i was in high speed, and my screen was like stuck for 10 sec, and after that, the test car was wrecked and i lost the 117k ( It...
  6. Shen Yamaguchi

    Ban request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: ZeluxeNN His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Emil Paulsen - STEAM_0:1:11561680 | Make Money! - STEAM_0:0:9282627 His ingame name is: Emil Paulsen - STEAM_0:1:11561680 | Make Money! - STEAM_0:0:9282627 - And someone else that Swiper knows. His/Her SteamID: Reason: We where...