Search results

  1. Domioon

    Server Suggestion Ford raptor on spin the wheel

    Suggestion Title: Ford raptor on spin the wheel Suggestion Description: Make the Ford raptor obtainable by Spin the wheel but make it rare like tricycle. Why should this be added?: I think a lot of the players would love a chance of being able to obtain this useful and cool looking car...
  2. Domioon

    Refund Request (Domioon)

    Your Steam Name: Domioon Your Roleplay Name: Martin Miller Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139880045 Reason for Request: I lost money and weapons in attempt of buying 2019 holiday doll Requested Items: $690.000, 3x Scar-l, 3x Compensator, 3x Red dot sight, 3x stanag 30 mag 3x scar-l stock...
  3. Domioon

    Server Suggestion Job leaderboard xp view

    Suggestion Title: Job leaderboard xp view Suggestion Description: Show the amount of XP a person has for the top players of EMS and FD Paramedic supervisor and above for EMS. Watch manager and above for FD. Why should this be added?: -I think it adds more competitiveness to the top players...
  4. Domioon

    Bug Report (Personal car says stolen after doing chop shop)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Personal car says stolen after doing chop shop How to reproduce the Bug: I put car security on my personal car and start the chop shop mission. After I have delivered the chop shop car, my personal car says stolen (the cop radar thing says stolen)...
  5. Domioon

    Refund Request (Domioon)

    Your Steam Name: Domioon Your Roleplay Name: Martin Miller Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139880045 Reason for Request: My car got tiered by a firefighter who was driving on the wrong side of the road for no reason. Audi R8 Requested Items: $27.600 Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member...
  6. Domioon

    Refund Request (Domioon)

    Your Steam Name: Domioon Your Roleplay Name: Martijn Melvin Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:139880045 Reason for Request: got rdmed by a player at bazaar after helping him Requested Items: 1x HK HK45 CT, 1x 11X43mm Silencer, 1x pistol reflex Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff...