Search results

  1. Cody Reks

    Refund Request (Cody Reks)

    Your Steam Name: Cody Reks Your Roleplay Name: Cody Reks Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34059433 Reason for Request: I lost my planter boxes and weapon because two guys raided our base in the span of an hour and the 3rd time they threw molotov in our house and everything burned including myself...
  2. Cody Reks

    Server Suggestion Balance & Quality of Life suggestions

    Suggestion Title: Balance & Quality of Life suggestions Suggestion Description: Been actively putting good hours on this server and I can see a few things that would make new player's life a bit easier and not only. Balancing: - Would love to see Coke get a bit more love as the process of...