Search results

  1. Ashley Angel

    Event Suggestion PVP training camp

    Extra problem: Lag due to many people dying [if im not mistaken]
  2. Ashley Angel


  3. Ashley Angel

    Vault Corporation: The Next Chapter | A Tyla Jai Documentary

    Watched all through it, i loved the editing!
  4. Ashley Angel


    hello :D
  5. Ashley Angel

    Collection of airsoft guns and nerf guns

    wtf why dont i have these lol
  6. Ashley Angel

    Collection of airsoft guns and nerf guns

    now that this thread is being active again, every sunday i go airsoft and i once had a mp5, and this guy
  7. Ashley Angel

    RIP helga, you were a good helper!

    RIP helga, you were a good helper!
  8. Ashley Angel

    What’s the craziest thing you've done in school?

    a long time ago i was chilling until a annoying ass kid kept poking me to play tag, i did and in the middle of the game he pushed me full on and im like, wth why this guy doing this so i took revenge and full blown pushed him until he was on the ground and did this [it didnt end well]
  9. Ashley Angel


    Football, im best at nutmegging people and im best at defense
  10. Ashley Angel

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  11. Ashley Angel

    16:9 III - Revenge of the Kosher

    Amazing taps
  12. Ashley Angel


  13. Ashley Angel

    need a or as a cop

    Contact a CPL+ ingame for a Observation Report.
  14. Ashley Angel


  15. Ashley Angel

    Thank you

    Thank you
  16. Ashley Angel

    Thank you

    Thank you
  17. Ashley Angel


  18. Ashley Angel

    Official Realistic Gunshots

    yes. i will post the files to this forum [supporters get early access]
  19. Ashley Angel

    Official Realistic Gunshots

    Its in the thread
  20. Ashley Angel

    Official Realistic Gunshots

  21. Ashley Angel

    Official Realistic Gunshots

    ok one second
  22. Ashley Angel

    Official Realistic Gunshots

    After a while of developing alot of custom sounds i decided i challenge myself and make all the gunshots really realistic. thank you for early access people for testing! @Jesus 2012/joshua maryl - supporter @Baba Won - supporter Google Drive ...
  23. Ashley Angel


    but really. welcome to the community!
  24. Ashley Angel


    This is an automated message and please do not respond. Thank you for joining and have a great time! Your dearest, Friend.
  25. Ashley Angel

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    this is prob gonna be better then gta 6 ngl.
  26. Ashley Angel

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    fuck gta 6.. well done dev team!
  27. Ashley Angel

    Game keeps freezing.

    Make sure you have no apps on in the background [that you dont need]