Search results

  1. greqh

    thats gotta be the biggest ego boost

    thats gotta be the biggest ego boost
  2. greqh

    steelo - Making The Band (A PERPheads Montage)

    liddewaly top fwagging
  3. greqh

    happy birthday my g

    happy birthday my g
  4. greqh

    there is another reason ;)

    there is another reason ;)
  5. greqh

    Weapon Skins

    now these are GOOD skins. props to whoever made them
  6. greqh

    Ban Apology (Console)

    It’s a long story but I’ll explain. Yes, it was indeed me that got the Muhammad Johnson account banned. I asked qlewz to lend Muhammad Johnson out to me when I was still doing the naughty stuff on perp because it contained a copy of gmod and loads of other games too (he didn’t know about me ban...
  7. greqh

    Will you eat the bugs

  8. greqh

    6 months

  9. greqh

    Best helper

    ZBM underrated
  10. greqh

    happy birthday u goober

    happy birthday u goober
  11. greqh

    Goodbye for now.

    I wish you the best of luck in life mate
  12. greqh


    W black bars
  13. greqh


  14. greqh

    Generic Montage

    I was defending ch as ss that shit was funny ggs
  15. greqh

    the most montage ever

    we need an editing tutorial right now
  16. greqh

    Good day

    great, hbu?
  17. greqh

    fastest mod speedrun?

    fastest mod speedrun?
  18. greqh


    certified hood classic
  19. greqh

    Refund Request (greqh)

    Your Steam Name: greqh Your Roleplay Name: William Dee Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:717963602 Reason for Request: Lost my we due to an illegal defence at ch Requested Items: 1x hk45 with suppressor + sight Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: dave
  20. greqh

    Bazaar Music Remix - Juan Bonita

    I regret pressing the play button...
  21. greqh

    Action Request (greqh, Mikael Snorting)

    We were gonna double check to make sure we didn't leave anything and you run into the shop and lock the door. Kevin was still right outside your shop and he even saw u go in so we didn't leave the area yet. Just because you lock your door doesnt mean the raid is over. Also how did you know our...
  22. greqh


  23. greqh

    no weapon sway?

    I'm not sure what it could be either, I've tried several commands but they don't seem to work for some reason
  24. greqh

    no weapon sway?

    would you mind sharing your cfg to see if that could be it?
  25. greqh

    no weapon sway?

    I've seen this clip pass by where the spray on the ak looks different to mine, I tried asking in game but couldn't find an answer, so I'm asking you guys. How is this possible and how do you replicate it? Example of spray: Normal spray: (I'm sure it has nothing to do with better spray...
  26. greqh

    Bug Report (For saying the word Nigeria)

    Pretty sure saying Niger (the country) does the same thing
  27. greqh

    NVG || A PerpHeads Edit

    hard watch
  28. greqh

    Police Suggestion TFU Riot/Raid Shield

    no thanks
  29. greqh

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  30. greqh

    Refund Request (greqh)

    Your Steam Name: greqh Your Roleplay Name: William Dee Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:717963602 Reason for Request: i got gped from a public area into an apartment and then got mugged Requested Items: Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: Maia