Search results

  1. alden

    omg it's juan bonita!!!!!

    omg it's juan bonita!!!!!
  2. alden

    Oliver Wescott

    when i came back i was shocked to see wescott had retired and was only an SO, tbf when i came back i thought he would be at CoD for sure, man has been one of the best cops for a while now
  3. alden

    Raiding For Beginners, The Unofficial 2025 guide.

    what to do when you're raiding with @Locksmith and can't lockpick a door?
  4. alden

    The most hated thing on perp

    @ALOO89 if you were a cop main in 2023 you know
  5. alden


  6. alden

    Game Crashing

    Try running the game with the 64-bit version. Here's how to do it: 1. Open Steam and go to library, find Garry's Mod 2. Click settings on the right side 3. Click Properties 4. You should find launch options under general, selected "Launch Garry's Mod (64-bit) If that doesn't fix anything I...
  7. alden


  8. alden

    Introducing Kugen

    ah a fellow cop main addicted to gambling, what an addition
  9. alden

    What got you so succesfull?

    copmaining, did cost me my sanity but it is what it is
  10. alden

    goodbye ig?

    hello people of perpheads i was really unsure whether or not to make a goodbye message but fuck it why not if you haven't figured out so far i'm leaving the server, im not sure for how long, im not sure if i will even return, i might hop once in like 2-3 months, but still small chances, i won't...
  11. alden

    Police Suggestion Allow Supervisors to adjust other officers to callsigns

    this is already a thing, corporal + can change callsigns
  12. alden

    Thank you for everything!

    even though you and I haven't had a lot of interactions, nor did I get to know you that much, you always seemed like an extremely chill and approachable dude, and from those rare moments of raiding together as cops I can tell you're a pretty cool dude, it was nice meeting you and i wish you the...
  13. alden

    Founder of org has quit for ages and no longer plays?

    To answer your question: no, the org founder can't be changed, unless the owner leaves. He must've given someone else perms to invite/kick people and access org bank and storage and etc, it's usually what people do, but if he didn't than sadly you can't do much about it.
  14. alden

    Random question

    tf does a hurtful erection have to do with this?
  15. alden

    Random question

    seeing how most people play crim, if you couldn't play crim, what would u rather be, a cop main or a shopkeeper, honestly interested to see what people say, vote down below
  16. alden

    perptage 2

    you know its a good montage if aloo says you should play more crim
  17. alden

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2023 - Results!

    @ALOO89 the man the myth the legend
  18. alden

    Juantage 5

    Juan for best aim #IVoted
  19. alden

    Server Suggestion Implement a cooldown on respawning the SWAT Van

    starting to play more crim i realised that raiding slums or regals is harder because pd can just go back and resupply, personally never had this happen to me but i do think this is a pain in the ass, not removing it wouldn't affect PD much, as megasaw said it's a rare situation someone does it...
  20. alden

    Server Suggestion Fix Audio Directionality for Firearms

    i'm shit at shooting eitherway but the amount of times i've been killed by flankers and i still don't know where they are up to this day is absurd
  21. alden

    Server Suggestion Get rid of Medic/Firefighter XP Loss from Death

    the whole point of this is to stop medics/roadcrew for running into a middle of the shootout to revive people, and in the past few days i've seen it too often so I think removing this would just make it more of a problem than it already is
  22. alden


    this man is pure definition of having fun
  23. alden

    Server Suggestion Jailer removes ticket

    oh nvm i just realised u exactly countered the thing i said, i can't read, yh good suggestion then ig
  24. alden

    Server Suggestion Jailer removes ticket

    I like the suggestion but I think adding this would just make people raid PD for the pure reason of getting their tickets removed, which would make PD raids so often that most cops couldn't change their gear and stuff like that.
  25. alden

    Server Suggestion Make that u can temporarily disable cameras by shooting them

    i think @Swiper already had a hard time reviving dispatch, adding this would just make it a bigger problem for no reason tbf
  26. alden

    Staff Dark side

    bro could've found a newer picture to be fair
  27. alden

    Goodbye for now..

    bye nova, thanks for helping me fit in the piss gang and understand the role better, appreciate you mate and cya later!
  28. alden


  29. alden

    happy bday izu!

    happy bday izu!