Search results

  1. Jarvicbal

    Luke Ban Request

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dutch_Player / Jarvic Bishop His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Luke / Luke Person His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7218412 Reason: Me and my frend Arron went to the storage to put some thing in the storage, when i drove to the storage and tryd to park, i slowly hitted Luke Person...
  2. Jarvicbal

    Sint Nicolas

    Should sint nicolas and his frends come to paralake city? :D with many many many many presents? :D
  3. Jarvicbal

    Flashing cones/Police barricades

    Topic:The police cones/police barricades in night* Short explanation (in notes): -hard to see cones/police barricades in night -Flashing police barricades/cones -less accident's -you also have it IRL Detailed description (why should it become added?): When its dark in Paralake City, and you...
  4. Jarvicbal

    Warning request Kay Uwe *PekASusRechterNippel*

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dutch_Player Jarvic Bishop His/Her Steam/In-game Name: PekASusRechterNippel Kay Uwe His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:86256664 Reason: I was patrolling when i saw a dead guy, the mayor and a car from a guy was next to it, when the mayor said i needed to arrest the man * as a...