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  1. phoondos

    Ban Apology (phoondos)

    You're only sorry because you got caught. Wait it out.
  2. phoondos

    Ban Dispute/Appeal

    Make an appeal using the correct format
  3. phoondos

    Ban Apology (phoondos)

    Note that any future 3.4 breaks will likely result in vastly longer punishments
  4. phoondos

    The most hated thing on perp

    The fact that you can no longer freeze objects with one attempt… @steelo please fix devs this is so annoying
  5. phoondos

    Ban Apology (phoondos)

    The fact that you think you had the ability to shoot that person’s friends because they insulted you tells me all I need to know about whether you read the rules or not. Wait it out.
  6. phoondos

    Rifle Preference

    mc51b vollmer ( add to perp PLS )
  7. phoondos

    Police Suggestion More weapons for police officer

    yeah there's already been a flawed system for bypassing rankups implemented that you can abuse now (unless they fixed the issues with rtfo idk im out of the loop)
  8. phoondos

    Police Suggestion More weapons for police officer

    more pistols for pistol cops wouldn't do much, and this is already a thing, you just have to be a higher rank
  9. phoondos

    Tan HK45CT

    This is a reskin of the HK45CT. The original source for the HK45CT model has 3 different styles of textures. The one shown in PERP is the all black style. There's a FDE and a tan style remaining, and this mod specifically uses that tan style. I have also edited the materials to correctly use...
  10. phoondos

    Refund Request (Amadej)

    Make an F6 in-game to receive the following items: 1x HK MP7 $7,200 for the tier price
  11. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    Send perpheads_demo_2025-2-11 20-40-32.dem. Logs show that they were not automatically deleted by PERP, thus there is no reason for them to be deleted. FAILURE TO DO THIS WILL RESULT IN YOU BEING PUNISHED FOR RULE 1.6
  12. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    Okay. Unfortunately the logs place you in this situation 6 days ago. There isn't much use arguing otherwise.
  13. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

  14. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    I can promise you that, as a staff member with access to logs, this happened on February 11th, 2025.
  15. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    @maeen I've requested your demo. Please accept the prompt by joining the PERPHeads server and clicking on the Accept button when the prompt appears. If you are unable to join, send the demo in this thread. perpheads_demo_2025-2-11 21-27-36.dem
  16. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    This happened 6 days ago. I can get their demo.
  17. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    Which one? I'd rather you answer the question I've just asked you
  18. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    The clip clearly shows you were stood outside of the door until the officer showed up. This implies you were here before the officer was. If I were to request the demo of the officer, and it shows that you were here before the officer, then you were lying to me earlier by saying "i run into the...
  19. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    The clip clearly shows that you stood outside the door of Slums. By your admission, there was apparently only this one officer. So how come you weren't already speaking to this officer when you supposedly ran to the building to speak to this officer in the first place?
  20. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    How could this have benefited you? Why would you run to an active shootout with a gun on your back just to tell someone you're the one being raided?
  21. phoondos

    Action Request (Dogman)

    @liam curry Can you explain why you were at Slums in the first place? If you knew there was a raid, then why would you sit outside of the building with a gun on your back knowing PD would show up?
  22. phoondos

    Firearms: Source Sound Pack
  23. phoondos

    Refund Request (rundstykken)

    Make an F6 in-game to receive the following items: 1x IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX 1x IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX Magazine (Loaded) 1x 12.7x33mm Suppressor You will not be receiving $34,000 because you could've avoided being mugged
  24. phoondos

    Ban Apology (phoondos)

    Accepted-ish. I appreciate the effort you've put in this apology, but I'm not unbanning you. Your ban length has been lowered to 1 week because I feel you still have broken rule 3.4. The reality of the situation is that there were still Police involved in the shootout, in fact, we ended up...
  25. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Realistic Flashlights

    Realism for the sake of realism is not a good idea for this server
  26. phoondos

    Is talking about a shootout and how docks is being shot up rlly bad in ooc considered meta gaming?

    I clearly said stop metagaming or I will blacklist. Make a dispute if you feel it was incorrectly given.
  27. phoondos

    Is talking about a shootout and how docks is being shot up rlly bad in ooc considered meta gaming?

    You're openly discussing active situations in OOC which is metagaming. You were told to stop and you've had your messages deleted before but you've ignored those. A blacklist was warranted in this case imo
  28. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Nerf Flashbangs

    this happens regularly and the only fix is to look completely opposite of the flash regardless of whether you have cover or not