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  1. Crunchie

    Refund Request (Crunchie)

    Your Steam Name: Crunchie Your Roleplay Name: Jacob Leonard Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:555265400 Reason for Request: Mingegrab cause death smh my head dude Requested Items: 1x ak101 with reflex sight, rifle comp, full mag, Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Bnjemann
  2. Crunchie

    Server Suggestion Peephole for Doors

    "Hey guys our peephole just got covered but i've been watching it for the past 4 hours, blast the door."
  3. Crunchie

    Server Suggestion Peephole for Doors

    The city isn’t exactly supposed to “feel safe”. It also doesn’t create a more balanced dynamic as defending a base is significantly easier than raiding one.
  4. Crunchie

    Raiding For Beginners, The Unofficial 2025 guide.

    Some TFU themselves struggle to do this, I wouldn't expect a new player to be able to
  5. Crunchie

    Vault Corporation: The Next Chapter | A Tyla Jai Documentary

    "Begged and begged, hmmm..."
  6. Crunchie

    dude got demoted

    dude got demoted
  7. Crunchie

    Action Request (Crunchie)

    Considering you had no clue i was there in the first place, i'd say i was plenty far away Also i watched the last cop drive away, so... And if PD did win, i just, wouldn't have countered...
  8. Crunchie

    Action Request (Crunchie)

    This would be the case if my plan the whole time wasn't to murder you all and take your stuff.
  9. Crunchie

    Action Request (Crunchie)

    My initial purpose for being there was to raid, then i heard crowbars, so i went over to docks parking to withdraw my gun from my car. Thats when the cop got there, which is where i decided to wait at a safe distance without being noticed for a good moment to counter. The actions I took is a...
  10. Crunchie

    Police Suggestion Mayor police state upfront and continuous cost scaling + effectiveness

    My point is that i didn't use an automatic weapon, I used a 7 round pistol and a 5 round bolt action sniper which does less than the pistol if i dont hit the head. anyway im going to bed now so i wont be replying
  11. Crunchie

    Police Suggestion Mayor police state upfront and continuous cost scaling + effectiveness

    I hit alot of headshots but i also hit alot of body shots. But think about it, an automatic weapon is probably going to hit the head at one point in their spray.
  12. Crunchie

    Police Suggestion Mayor police state upfront and continuous cost scaling + effectiveness

    Not to be that guy, but I just pretty much controlled the server for 2 hours with a desert eagle, Its less of the fact that they just can't win and more that alot of pistol cops aren't great at hitting shots. I also did a bank raid with a remington m24 with no sight and a suppressor, which is a...
  13. Crunchie

    Refund Request (Crunchie)

    Your Steam Name: Crunchie Your Roleplay Name: Jacob Leonard Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:555265400 Reason for Request: Illegal base caused mass destruction of life Requested Items: 1x M82 with mag & zenith Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Nazeer
  14. Crunchie

    Server Suggestion Reserved Slots for Chief Paramedics

    This is talking about job slots, not parking spots.
  15. Crunchie


    No game sound, 20 year long clips. It was a nice effort but needs work.
  16. Crunchie

    Monkeys in Paradise

    Welcome to our newest addition: Mason Helms!
  17. Crunchie

    Monkeys in Paradise

    The proof is me when i log on, also why do you need proof that he's in a better org than you? Can't you handle that he's more successful?
  18. Crunchie

    Monkey's In Paradise Applications

    You missed the most important question
  19. Crunchie

    Monkey's In Paradise Applications

    Do not leak any more pictures of Ronald the GOAT. The public do not have the right to see him.
  20. Crunchie

    Happy Smegday.

    Happy Smegday.
  21. Crunchie

    Vault Corporation - A Christmas Special

    Nice signature
  22. Crunchie

    Vault Corporation - A Christmas Special

    Bro what is this video...
  23. Crunchie

    im new

    He's new
  24. Crunchie

    Police Suggestion Revert the TFU change

    When raiding apartments at high pop
  25. Crunchie

    Police Suggestion Revert the TFU change

    This clip shows something that can happen even if the update was reverted.
  26. Crunchie

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    Regular TFO's aren't the ones who have to gear down, TFR's are
  27. Crunchie

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    Me and db tried to raid late at night last night, and had to fight 6 tfu along with pistol cops
  28. Crunchie

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    Don't even get started with the help threads...